Assignment Extension Accommodation Guidelines

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The assignment extension accommodation is approved by the student's accessibility consultant (AC) based on the unpredictable nature of their disability. 

Students with disabilities whose symptoms are not consistent may temporarily become unable to complete assignments by the due date. This accommodation applies to individual assignments and does not extend to group work.

View the ALS Guidelines & Process Manual

Due to the unpredictable nature of some disability-related conditions, a reduced course load or support with time management may not eliminate the need for extensions. As such, the assignment extension accommodation is included in the accommodation plan. Students with this accommodation should not be penalized for requested and negotiated extensions. 

The assignment extension accommodation is not meant to be used for extended absences. Accessible Learning Services (ALS) does not recommend open-ended extensions. Students who have been absent for an extended period and, therefore, will have difficulty meeting course learning outcomes will require support to explore alternative options. In these situations, students should connect with their faculty and AC as soon as possible. 

Assignment Extension Accommodation Procedure 

  • The student provides ALS with relevant documentation to support the need for assignment extensions. For more information on determining academic accommodations, please see the Academic Accommodation FAQ
  • Upon receipt and review of supporting documentation, the AC prepares an accommodation plan to include the assignment extension accommodation and reviews this procedure with the student. 
  • At the start of the term, the AC recommends that the student meet with faculty to discuss their assignment extension accommodation and agree on the best way to contact faculty to inform them of a required extension if needed. 
  • In the event of a disability-related challenge, the student will request an assignment extension based on the agreed-upon method from their professor(s). 
  • Requests can be made in person or by email. ALS recommends these requests be made as early as possible. All requests must be considered on a case-by-case basis. The communication should include a plan to complete the work and the anticipated submission date (ideally, within a few days to one week of the original due date). Students are not required to inform faculty of the specific nature of their disability and are encouraged to reference their accommodation plan. 
  • Faculty will accept the initial request for assignment extension in good faith and agree upon a revised due date. If the revised due date is not met, further negotiation between faculty and a student may occur on a case-by-case basis. Faculty may use their discretion considering the student's request, as well as stated program guidelines and academic standards. 
Assignment Extension Request Template

Hello (insert professor's name), 
My name is (insert name and student number). I am in your (insert course name). 
I am a student receiving accommodations from Accessible Learning Services. My Accommodation Plan includes assignment extension as an accommodation. 
I am currently experiencing disability-related challenges that are impacting my ability to submit (insert assignment title and due date) by the due date. 
 My plan is to complete and submit this assignment by (insert date and time). 
If you would like to discuss this further, please let me know. 
 Thank you, 

(Insert name and student number) 

Appropriate Use 

Given the diversity of assignments, it is difficult to quantify the extensions that may be requested. Typically, an extension from a few days up to one week for an assignment is a reasonable level of accommodation. If further and/or multiple extensions are required, the student or faculty may contact ALS for consultation and support. Students will use this accommodation only when unable to complete assignments for disability-related reasons. According to course policy, standard late penalties will apply beyond the agreed-upon extension without further communication from the student. 

Requests for extensions should be made in advance of an assignment due date. In extraordinary circumstances (e.g., hospitalization, flare-up), when the student cannot request an extension in advance, the request should be handled on a case-by-case basis. Please refer to the Retroactive Accommodation Guidelines for further direction. 

Strategies for Students

Students with the assignment extension accommodation may wish to apply the following academic strategies:

Student strategies
  • Review course outlines to determine the workload and course demands (course outlines can be found on the learning management system or LMS). If specific due dates for assignments are not included, students should connect with their faculty. Once due dates and assignment details are given, students should develop a plan to complete each assignment well before the due date. 
  • Seek clarification on assignment details as early as possible. 
  • Well before the due date, break assignments into smaller sections and work on them often. If an assignment extension is needed, a portion of the assignment will already be completed. 
  • Submit completed assignments early, where possible. 
  • If an assignment extension is still required, students should develop a plan to complete the assignment and include this plan when making a formal request to their professor. 
  • Consider meeting with a learning strategist for help with time management and organization for confidential support. 

Strategies for Faculty

Faculty can use of the following teaching strategies to support students in meeting assignment due dates: 

Faculty strategies
  • Offer assignment completion reminders in class or on LMS (learning management system). 
  • For larger assignments, suggest targets for progress. These targets can be included in the course learning outline, LMS, or assignment rubric. For example, if students have four weeks to complete an assignment, suggest they have a rough outline done by week one, their research completed by week two, a draft completed by week three and by week four a final draft to check against the assignment rubric. 
  • Break assignments into smaller portions and request students submit them. While grades do not need to be offered, feedback on each portion regarding student progress is very valuable. 
  • Anticipate that students who have this accommodation may require additional support. Offer opportunities for students to discuss assignments with a peer or faculty to support more effective time management. Also can refer to ALS to connect with a Learning Strategist. 
  • Supply an exemplar of the assignment to demonstrate the work's breadth, depth and score. This will help students more accurately gauge the time needed to complete the assignment. 

Additional Support

Students and faculty can connect with Accessible Learning Services to discuss the implementation of this accommodation. Please contact the accessibility consultant listed in the student's accommodation plan. 

ALS has prepared these guidelines in consultation with faculty members. We value your ongoing feedback. If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions regarding these guidelines, please contact the Senior Manager, Accessible Learning Services.