Developing New Programs

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Do you have an idea for a new program you would like to explore?

Learn about the program development process

New Program Approval Process Infographic

Curriculum Development Process Infographic

1. Submit Idea

Program coordinators submit their idea when the Office of Academic Excellence issues a call for new program ideations. This happens every 18 months to two years. Program reps can email to find out when the next call for proposals is scheduled.

2. Submissions Sent

All submissions are sent to Institutional Research and Planning for a preliminary environmental scan.

3. Committee Meeting #1

New Program Advisory Committee meeting (NPAC) #1: The committee looks at all program ideations and decides which should move forward, which will be put on hold, and which need further research.

4. New Programs Approval

Programs that receive approval to proceed will begin to complete the New Program Approvals Process (NPAP) proposal document. This process begins with the completion of sections 1-10 in the NPAP proposal document before moving to the next step of approvals. Contact the Office of Academic Excellence for the NPAP proposal document.

5. Committee Meeting #2

NPAC meeting #2: The program reps and the program approvals committee discuss the information provided in NPAP proposal to determine if the submission aligns with college priorities, strategies, and resource capacity. At this point, if the proposal receives approval to proceed to program design, necessary support from the Office of Academic Excellence is scheduled. It is only at this point that programs should consider developing the curriculum.

6. Subject Matter Development Team

Program areas designate a subject matter development team and plan development costing and time resources. Once decided, the names of the development team should be forwarded to the Office of Academic Excellence.

7. Formal Launch

The Office of Academic Excellence schedules the formal launch of the new program development and introduces the program development team to the development process and available resources.

8. Next Stage of Approvals

Once the necessary curriculum components have been completed, the program chair with necessary input from the development team, should complete sections 11-18 of the NPAP proposal. When these sections are complete programs will move to the next stage of approvals.

9. Committee Meeting #3

NPAC meeting #3: The program and the program approvals committee discuss the information provided in sections 1-18 to ensure all programs have enacted the plan proposed in the preliminary stages of the development process. Once the committee is satisfied that all questions are addressed, they will approve the program to be presented to Academic and Student Affairs and the Board of Governors as the last internal check in the development process.

10. Submitted for Approval

Once the program has received approval from Academic and Student Affairs and the Board of Governors, the program can be submitted to the Ministry of Colleges and Universities for approval.

External quality assurance bodies for new programs

When programs receive the required approvals from Academic and Student Affairs and the Board of Governors, they submit their application to the corresponding external quality assurance body. Find details below.

The Postsecondary Education Quality Assessment Board is an Ontario agency that makes recommendations to the Minister of Colleges and Universities of Ontario on applications for ministerial consent under the terms of the Post-secondary Education Choice and Excellence Act, 2000.

PEQAB Website

Credential Validation Service (CVS)

The Credential Validation Service (CVS) provides timely validation of programs of instruction to the colleges, which supports every college’s ability to respond swiftly to community and employer requirements.

Credential Validation Service website

Ontario Qualifications Framework (OQF)

The Ontario Qualifications Framework includes all non-religious post-secondary certificate, diploma and degree programs offered under the auspices of the Province of Ontario, including apprenticeship certificates, the qualifications awarded by private career colleges, the qualifications awarded by public colleges, and degrees offered by public universities and institutions authorized to award degrees by a consent of the Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities of Ontario.

Contact Ontario Qualifications Framework