Program Review

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Program Review Process

Program Review Process Infographic

George Brown College is committed to continuous quality improvement and ongoing academic self-assessment and evaluation. The annual and comprehensive academic program review processes and reports provide academic leaders with critical information about a program’s strengths, challenges, overall quality and need for future resources.

The purpose of program review is to:

  • Identify and confirm program strengths.
  • Provide direction to faculty and administrators for continuous quality improvement.
  • Support sound decision making and planning.
  • Promote accountability for program quality.
  • Respond to the changing needs of students, business, industry and community partners.
  • Review (and, if necessary, revise) program outcomes for consistency with the Ontario Qualifications Framework, Program Standards and with relevant professional standards.
  • Promote alignment with the college's commitment to diversity and internationalization.
  • Ensure congruence with the college's mission, core values and academic strategy.
  • Assist in preparation for external program credential and audit reviews.
  • Recognize and shine a light on exemplary programs to celebrate faculty and program success.
  • Provide a voice for program stakeholders.
  • Improve student, graduate and employer satisfaction and success.

The key principles of program review are:

  • Each program will participate in a comprehensive review every five to seven years.
  • Program review is comprehensive and ensures curriculum alignment to Program/Vocational Outcomes, Essential Employability Skills and General Education requirements.
  • Program review uses an inclusive and collaborative process, reaching out to multiple stakeholders including faculty, students, graduates, administrators, employers, program advisory committees, and support staff and external experts where appropriate.
  • Program review employs a comprehensive methodology that is well communicated to and understood by all stakeholders, with an identified accountability framework for implementation.
  • Program review integrates external and internal accreditation/certification processes.

The program review process is led by a program reviewer who works with the faculty team to complete the various required components. In addition, a curriculum specialist might work with the team if curriculum-related activities are needed or recommended.

Comprehensive program review

What is a comprehensive program review?

A comprehensive review takes place every five to seven years. While the Office of Academic Excellence will manage a rolling three-year plan, deans will assist with determining the timetable for reviews so strategic priorities, mandated accreditations and other program-specific data can be considered in the timeline. 

A program reviewer is assigned to complete the comprehensive review, which involves, among other things:

  • coordinating the process
  • collaborating with program staff
  • collecting and analyzing data
  • developing recommendations in consultation with program administration
  • writing the program review report
  • presenting the findings to program stakeholders (faculty, administration, program advisory committees)

The comprehensive review of degree programs happens approximately every five years to align with the ministry schedule for degree consent renewal.

Comprehensive Program Review (2017)

Find information about the annual and comprehensive program review processes for diploma, certificate and apprenticeship programs.

Program Review Guidelines - Diplomas & Certificates

Find information about the annual and comprehensive program review processes for degree programs.

Program Review Guidelines - Degrees

Find out if and when your program is scheduled for a comprehensive review.

Program Review Schedule 2021-22

Program review schedule 2020-21

Program quality self-assessment

What is a program quality self-assessment (PQSA)?

In certain circumstances, a program will be required to complete a program quality self-assessment (PQSA) instead of a comprehensive program review. This could be the case if a program has a shorter duration, has lower enrolment or if performance metrics indicate the program isn’t experiencing major difficulties.

With guidance and assistance from the Office of Academic Excellence, the PQSA report will be written by program staff, including faculty, coordinators and program administrators and submitted to their academic manager by April 30 of the academic review year. A copy of the PQSA report, including recommendations, will be forwarded to the Office of Academic Excellence as well as to the appropriate dean by June 15 of the academic review year.

Program Quality Self-Assessment Overview

Annual program review

Academic managers are responsible for conducting an annual review of the programs in their portfolios to ensure stakeholders are engaged in continuous quality assurance. An annual program review is designed to ensure the program is responding to the needs of industry and students, so it remains relevant and up to date.

Annual Program Review Overview

Academic managers work with program staff to ensure the annual review documentation is completed and sent to their deans by June 15 of the academic review year. Then they ensure any new recommendations are added to the program review recommendations spreadsheet, which is updated annually and forwarded to the Office of Academic Excellence by June 30 of the academic review year.

College employees can access the reports below by logging into GBCommunity.

Visit GBCommunity

Preparatory & Liberal Studies

A101 - College Vocational PQSA Final Report 2018-19
A105 - Assistant Cook PQSA Final Report 2016-17 
A106 - Construction Craft Worker Foundations PQSA Final Report 2016-17 
A107 - Transitions to Post-Secondary Education PQSA Final Report 2018-19 
A109 - Pre-Health Sciences Pathway to Certificates and Diplomas PR Final Report 2018-19 
A146 - Pre-Business PQSA Final Report 2017-18  
R105 & R115 - English for Academic Purposes PR Final Report 2016-17 

Arts, Design & Information Technology

F105 - Gemmology PR Final Report 2017-18 
F111, F110 and F114 - Jewellery PR Final Report 2017-18 
G405 - Digital Design - Game Design PQSA Final Report 2018-19
G414 - Interdisciplinary Design Strategy PQSA Final Report 2016-17 
P101 - Dance Performance Preparation PQSA Final Report 2017-18 
P104 & P108 - Theatre Arts Performance & Theatre Arts Preparation PR Final Report 2018-19
P105 - Dance Performance PQSA Final Report 2017-18 
P106 - Commercial Dance PQSA Final Report 2017-18 
P400 –  Screenwriting Narrative Design PQSA Final Report 2019-20 
T405 - Information Systems Business Analysis PQSA Final Report 2019-20 
T411 - Wireless Networking PQSA Final Report 2016-17 
T413 – Cyber Security PQSA Final Report 2019-20 

Community Services & Early Childhood

C101 - Community Worker PR Final Report 2018-19 
C119 & C135 - Social Service Worker PR Final Report 2016-17 
C139 - Health Information Management PR Final Report 2018-19 

Health Sciences

C116 & C136 - Behavioural Science Technology PR Final Report 2016-17 
C405 - Autism and Behavioural Science PR Final Report Review 2016-17 
S100 - Dental Technology PR Final Report 2017-18 
S101 - Denturism PR Final Report 2018-19 
S102 - Orthotic Prosthetic Technician PR Final Report 2017-2018 
S113 - Dental Assisting PR Final Report  2016-17 
S117 - Hearing Instrument Specialist PR Final Report 2018-19 
S121 - Practical Nursing PR Final Report 2017-18 
S124 - Dental Hygiene PR Final Report 2016-17 
S400 - Restorative Dental Hygiene PR Final Report 2016-17 
S407 - Clinical Methods in Orthotics/Prosthetics PR Final Report 2017-2018 

Hospitality & Culinary Arts

H108 & H113 - Baking & Pastry Arts PR Final Report 2018-19 
H134 & H100 & H116 - Skills Culinary & Culinary Management & Culinary Management (Integrated Learning) PR Final Report 2019-20 
H311 - Honours Bachelor of Business Administration (Hospitality) PR Final Report 2016-17
H411 - Culinary Arts - Italian PR Final Report 2017-18 

Construction & Engineering Technologies

T105 - Construction Engineering Technology PR Final Report 2018-19 
T109 & T169, T132 - Architectural Technology, Architectural Technician PR Final Report 2018-19 
T149 - Mechanical Techniques PQSA Final Report 2018-19 
T160 & T162 - Heating, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning PR Final Report 2016-17  
T161 - Construction Engineering Technician PR Final Report 2018-19 
T165 - Plumbing Techniques PR Final Report 2018-19
T167 - Electrical Techniques PR Final Report 2018-19
T170 - Interior Design Technology PR Final Report 2019-20 
T408 - Residential Construction Management PQSA Final Report 2019-20 


B400 - Sport Event Marketing PQSA Final Report 2017-18 
B406 - Marketing Management - Financial Services  PR Final Report 2016-17 
B407 - Financial Planning PQSA Final Report 2018-19 
B409 - Strategic Relationship Marketing PR Final Report 2016-17