Curriculum Support

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Curriculum Development Process Infographic

Curriculum Changes Process Infographic

The Office of Academic Excellence provides college-wide curriculum support for academic programs and individual faculty.

What does a Curriculum Specialist do?

Curriculum specialists are faculty members who work within the Office of Academic Excellence to support programs and faculty in a variety of academic tasks. They provide expertise and resources related to outcomes-based learning, course and curriculum design, integrating essential employability skills (EES) into the curriculum, curriculum mapping, improving course outlines, teaching and learning plans, and assessment strategies and evaluation tools.

Curriculum specialists provide consultation, advice, and support in the development of new programs and contribute to program reviews. They provide curriculum support following program reviews and conduct workshops with program faculty related to the review of program outcomes, curriculum mapping, and assessment mapping and evaluation methods. And they complete a detailed qualitative analysis of course outlines in the program.

When should I contact a Curriculum Specialist?

Working on new program development or program review? Then you should connect with a curriculum specialist. There are other situations when you might need the help of a curriculum specialist. Email the Office of Academic Excellence at to request support if your program plans to do any of the following:

  • course creation/course revision/course removal
  • revision of course learning outcomes
  • extra mapping (such as assessments or certain topics/themes across the curriculum)
  • revising EES distribution
  • program standard alignment
  • title Change
  • PLO renewal & approval
  • ministry code change
  • program delivery mode change
  • adding or removing WIL (work-integrated learning)
  • rubric or assessment development
  • strategic alignment assistance
  • re-sequencing the program
  • changes in system-level admission requirements 
  • change in funding request for a funded version of an existing, non-funded program
  • change in funding request for a non-funded version of an existing, funded program
  • changes in program length or total number of hours
  • assistance implementing program review recommendations

Curriculum Support Resources

Find information below to help your curriculum development process.

Ontario's Program Standards: Program standards apply to all similar programs of instruction offered by publicly funded colleges across the province.

HEQCO Learning Outcomes Assessment: Background and practical ideas for assessing learning outcomes at the course and program level.

eCampus Ontario: A centre of excellence in online and technology-enabled learning collaboratively operated by all of Ontario’s publicly assisted colleges and universities.

Contact North: An education and training network of 112 centres that works to connect Ontario residents with distance and online learning opportunities.

OntarioLearn: a group of 24 community colleges that have partnered to provide more online learning options.

Curriculum Developers Affinity Group (CDAG): Curriculum development resources that are relevant to Ontario colleges, developed and maintained by the Curriculum Developers Affinity Group.

The League for Innovation: An organization that provides a series of brief modules related to teaching and learning.

EdX Teaching and Learning in the Diverse Classroom: There are many external resources that address how to incorporate notions of diversity into your classrooms. For example, this MOOC from EdX