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The attendance accommodation is approved by the student’s accessibility consultant (AC) based on relevant documentation indicating how the disability impacts their ability to regularly attend classes. Due to the nature of the student’s disability, the student may, on occasion, be required to miss classes. For more information on determining academic accommodations, please see the Academic Accommodation FAQ

An attendance accommodation does not excuse students from in-class academic obligations. Students with this accommodation are responsible for all academic requirements. 

Students may be absent from class with little or no notice and are required to contact their faculty when this occurs. Students may have to make special arrangements for missed scheduled formative assessments, e.g., in-class assignments, quizzes, labs or studio classes. 

Extended or unexcused absences may affect a student’s ability to participate in and successfully meet the learning outcomes of the course. In cases where attendance accommodation interferes with the learning outcomes of the course or leads to excessive absenteeism, reduced course load, withdrawal or temporary leave of absence may be considered a reasonable alternative with support from the AC. 

View the ALS Guidelines & Process Manual

Attendance Accommodation Procedure 

  • The student provides Accessible Learning Services (ALS) with relevant documentation indicating the possibility of occasional absences. 
  • AC adds “Periodic Absences” and/or “Rescheduling of quizzes/tests/exams” to the Accommodation Plan and reviews the procedures of this accommodation with the student. 
  • At the start of term, the student meets with faculty to discuss their attendance accommodation and agree on the best way to contact faculty to inform of an absence, if needed. 
  • If/when student is absent, they will contact faculty based on agreed upon method and discuss how potential missed class work, such as in-class assignments, quizzes or labs, can be made up. 
  • Students are not required to inform faculty of the specific nature of their disability or provide medical documentation when informing of their absence and are encouraged to reference their Accommodation Plan. 
Absences From the Classroom
  • If/when a student misses a class for a disability-related reason, they are to provide notice to faculty of their absence, citing their attendance accommodation. Notice should be given in advance of an absence, if/when possible, or as soon as possible after a class has been missed. 
  • Under these circumstances, the student should not be penalized for their absence. This includes participation grades, in-class assignments, weekly quizzes, etc. If the student is unable to come to campus, an alternative submission format should be considered for the missed in-class assessment (i.e. – electronic submission). 
  • It is the student’s responsibility to actively communicate with faculty in a timely manner about disability-related absences. 
  • It is recommended that the student request notetaking as an accommodation to receive notes from a lecture that is missed due to a disability-related absence. 
Absences From In-Person Labs and Studio Classes
  • Due to program policies, requirements, resources, scheduling, etc., a student should discuss up front with faculty what options, if any, may be available for missed labs or studio classes (i.e. – special permission to attend a different section of the lab in a different day of the week). 
  • When a student misses a lab or studio class for disability-related reasons they are to provide notice to faculty of their absence, in advance, if/when possible or as soon as possible, after a lab has been missed. 
Absences From Tests and Exams
  • A student who misses a test or exam for disability-related reasons should have rescheduling of quizzes, tests, exams added to their accommodation plan under Test Accommodations. 
  • In all circumstances relating to an absence from a lab, quiz, test or exam, faculty may prepare an alternate evaluation to support their obligation to provide timely feedback to other students. 


Additional Support

Students and faculty can connect with Accessible Learning Services to discuss the implementation of this accommodation. Please contact the Accessibility Consultant listed in the student’s accommodation plan. 

These guidelines have been prepared by ALS in consultation with faculty members. We value your ongoing feedback! If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions regarding these guidelines, please contact the Senior Manager, Accessible Learning Services.