Additional College Services for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students

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Anna Lee, American Sign Language (ASL) - English Interpreter Program graduate, sits at a table while interpreting with others.

What are some other ways we can help?

Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services provide a variety of accommodations for courses and course-related activities for registered Deaf and Hard of Hearing students.

Request Service

The college also has other services for Deaf students and/or programs related to the Deaf. We have tried to list many of them here for your convenience.

Student Services

Accessible Learning Services

Accessible Learning Services provides academic supports and services for GBC students with physical, sensory, learning, medical or mental health disabilities. 

ASL Workshops

The ASL workshops sessions are student-led opportunities to learn basic ASL vocabulary and practice signing with other George Brown students. Tutors are also available. Please contact Clarence Cansicio ( for more information.


Counselling and Student Well-being Services offer a wide range of free and confidential services and programs that may be able to assist you. Deaf students can email and request to speak to a counsellor online with an interpreter.

Peer Mentor +

Peer Mentor + is a support service for all George Brown College students at all campuses. They help students become part of a caring and supportive community.


Academic Upgrading for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Adults

The program is for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing students who want to upgrade their English, ASL and Math for success in further education, training or employment. Email for more information on how to apply

American Sign Language & Deaf Studies Program

This program is open to both Deaf and non-deaf students and provides intensive training in American Sign Language (ASL) and English.

Bachelor of Interpretation Program

The Bachelor of Interpretation (American Sign Language – English) prepares graduates to work as qualified interpreters.