Alumni Leadership Award

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The Alumni Leadership Award is presented to individuals who exemplify visionary leadership, serving as inspiring role models. Recipients of this award are distinguished by their ability to encourage others to explore their potential and contribute to fostering a positive and respectful environment. 

Deadline for nominations: February 20, 2025


All George Brown College alumni are eligible to be nominated for this award. Nominees for this award should showcase a sustained commitment to leadership that goes beyond personal accomplishments, demonstrating a genuine impact on the George Brown College community, whether through professional achievements or community engagement.

Selection criteria
  • Nominee Biography (300 words maximum) 
  • How does this nominee play a significant role in advancing the work of their profession and their respective sector? (300 words maximum) 
  • If applicable, list publications, features in media and/or recognitions.  
  • How does the nominee provide support to emerging professionals in their field, such as mentoring, coaching and knowledge sharing? (300 words maximum) 
  • How does this person lead within their industry and inspire others through community engagement such as leading a GBC Alumni Chapter? (300 words maximum)