Alumni Impact Award

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This award recognizes alumni who have made substantial contributions to the future of George Brown College students, alumni, and the extended learning community. Their impactful efforts may include philanthropic work, volunteering, guest speaking, and other initiatives that positively influence the College's community and its members. 

Deadline for nominations: February 20, 2025


All George Brown College alumni are eligible to be nominated for this award. Eligible nominees need to showcase their dedication through impactful initiatives, including philanthropy, volunteering, guest speaking, and other meaningful engagements.

Selection criteria
  • Nominee Biography (300 words maximum) 
  • How does the nominee contribute to the future of George Brown College students, alumni, and to other learning communities? (300 words maximum) 
  • Provide examples, such as, philanthropic work, volunteering, knowledge sharing, Program Advisory Committee (PAC), and other types of activities. (300 words maximum) 
  • If applicable, list publications, features in media and/or recognitions.