The Tommy Douglas Institute and rabble.ca are pleased to present:
Through discussion, debate, poetry and parable this podcast brings together activists, educators, artists, philosophers, and leaders to explore issues connected to the rights and dignity of people and planet as we envision the possibilities of a newer, brighter and necessary future.
In the words of the great Tommy Douglas…
Courage, my friends; 'tis not too late to build a better world.
Series VIII, Episode 1: Do We Need a New Progressive Alternative in Canada?
Guests: Taylor C, Noakes (independent journalist and public historian), Ricardo Tranjan (author and political economist with the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives), John Clarke (writer and anti-poverty activist).
Series VIII, Episode 2: Oxfam Inequality Report 2025: The Takers Not Makers of Billionaire Colonialism
Guest: Lauren Ravon (Executive Director, Oxfam Canada)
Series VIII, Episode 3: Oxfam Inequality Report 2025 Part II: Billionaire Colonialism in Canada
Guest: Dr. Veldon Coburn (Faculty Chair of Indigenous Relations Initiative, McGill University)
Series VIII, Episode 4: George Brown College’s 25th Annual Mental Health Conference: Decolonizing Learning and Creating Conditions for Student Well-Being
Guests: Carolyn Roberts (Faculty, Storyteller, Author, University of British Columbia), Susan Toews (Dean, Ctr for Preparatory and Liberal Studies, George Brown College), Alex Irwin (Director, Student Well-Being and Support, George Brown College)
Series VIII, Episode 5: Rebranded Fascism, Higher Education and the Burden of Conscience
Guest: Henry Giroux (Cultural Critic, Scholar and Author)
Series VII Podcasts
Series VII, Episode 1: Climate and the City – Are We Ready?
Guest: David Miller (Managing Director, C40 Centre for City Climate Policy and Economy / Former Mayor of Toronto)
Series VII, Episode 2: Truth and Reconciliation: How Is Canada Doing?
Guests: Eva Jewell (Research Director, Yellowhead Institute), Kaila Johnston (Director of Education, Outreach and Public Programming, National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation – NCTR)
Series VII, Episode 3: EdTech, AI and Platform Capitalism in the Classroom
Guests: Dr. Rahul Kumar (Researcher, Faculty Brock University), Dr. Tanner Mirrlees (Political Economist/Faculty, Ontario Tech University)
Series VII, Episode 4: Palestinian Storytelling as Resilience, Recuperation and Resistance
Guest: Sarah Abu-Sharar (Traditional Palestinian Storyteller)
Series VII, Episode 5: The Honourable Murray Sinclair: 2018 Keynote Address on Indigenous Ways of Knowing
Featuring: The Honourable Murray Sinclair (Former Senator and Lead Commissioner, Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada)
Series VII, Episode 6: Whose Hungry? More Than Ever Before
Guests: Marissa Alexander (Co-Executive Director, Food Secure Canada), Ryan Noble (Executive Director, North York Harvest Food Bank)
Series VII, Episode 7: BRICS, De-Dollarization and Canada in a Multipolar World
Guests: Radhika Desai (Author, Professor, Director of Geopolitical Economy Research Group, University of Manitoba), Shaun Narine (Author, Professor and Chair of Int’l Relations and Political Science, St. Thomas University)
Series VI Podcasts
Series VI, Episode 1: Climate, Conflict and the Meaning of Peace
Guests: Tamara Lorincz (Environmental Feminist, Peace Activist), Linda Thyer (Physician and Member, Doctors for Planetary Health — West Coast),
Series VI, Episode 2: Labour Fair 2024 Keynote: Corporate Power vs. Labour Power - It’s Our Work!
Guest: JP Hornick (President, OPSEU/SEFPO)
Series VI, Episode 3: Labour Fair 2024: Inequality Inc: Corporate Power vs. Workers’ Rights
Guests: Lauren Ravon (Executive Director, OXFAM Canada), Jared Ong (Organizer, Workers’ Action Centre)
Series VI, Episode 4: Scholasticide and Solidarity: The Mind and Memory of Gaza
Guests: Dr. Chandni Desai (Faculty, Researcher, University of Toronto / Host, Liberation Pedagogy Podcast), Dr. Muhannad Ayyash (Faculty, Mount Royal University / Policy Analyst, Al Shabaka, The Palestinian Policy Network)
Series V Podcasts
Series V, Episode 1: BRICS: Summits, Coups & A Changing World Order
Guest: Vijay Prashad (author, public intellectual, Director of Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research)
Series V, Episode 2: Series V, Episode 2: At the Planet In Focus Film Festival
Guests: Katherine Bruce (Executive Director,PiF), Deirdre Leowinata (Filmmaker), Alfonso Salinas (Traditional Wellness Coordinator, Filmmaker), Liz Marshall (Filmmaker)
Series V, Episode 3: Mouth Open, Story Jump Out: Storytelling for Change
Guests: Kesha Christie (Storyteller, Founder, Talkin’Tales), Njoki Mbũrũ (Storyteller, CFC Transformational Storytelling Fellow), Rani Sanderson (Storytelling Workshop Facilitator, StoryCentre Canada)
Series V, Episode 4: Gaza: Humanitarian Agencies Call for a Ceasefire Now
Guests: Dalia al-Awqati (Head of Humanitarian Affairs, Save the Children Canada) and
Lauren Ravon (Executive Director of Oxfam Canada)
Series V, Episode 5: Menopause and Work in Canada: Menopause is Natural, Suffering is Not
Guests: Janet Ko (President and Co-Founder, Menopause Foundation of Canada) and Trish Barbato (Co-Founder, Menopause Foundation of Canada and President/CEO, Arthritis Society of Canada)
Series V, Episode 6: Inequality Inc.: Corporate Power vs. Public Action
Guests: Lauren Ravon (Executive Director, Oxfam Canada) and Michèle Biss (National Director, National Right to Housing Network)
Series IV Podcasts
Series IV, Episode 1: Labour Education: Film, Fair and Organizing
Guests: Kathryn Payne (Faculty/ Labour Fair Organizer, George Brown College), Lorene Oikawa (Filmmaker and Board Member, Canadian Labour International Film Festival - CLiFF), Derek Blackadder (Labour Organizer and Board Member, CLiFF)
Series IV, Episode 2: The Other P3s: Pandemic, Privatization, Precarity... and Planet!! Senator Hassan Yussuff Keynote Address, 31st Annual Labour Fair, George Brown College
Keynote Speaker: Senator Hassan Yussuff (Canadian Senator and Past President, Canadian Labour Congress)
Series IV, Episode 3: Good Jobs, Clean Economy: Pushing for a Just Transition
Guest: Jamie Kirkpatrick (Senior Program Manager, Blue Green Canada)
Series IV, Episode 4: Asking for a Friend: Living Organ Donations, A Gift Beyond Words
Guests: William Woolrich (Faculty, George Brown College and York University), Candice Coghlan (Education & Outreach Coordinator, UHN’s Ajmera Transplant Ctr)
Series IV, Episode 5: Labour Fair 2023: Gig Workers and Precarity in the 21st Century
Guests: Simran Dhunna (Member, Naujawa Support Network), Jobanjeet Kaur (Member, Naujawa Support Network), Jennifer Scott (President, Gig Workers United)
Series IV, Episode 6: Iron & Earth: From the Oil Patch to the Renewable Economy
Guests: Ana Guerra Marin (Communities Director & Just Transition Lead, Iron & Earth), Dara Wawaite-Chabot (Indigenous Lead Researcher, Iron & Earth)
Series IV, Episode 7: Labour Fair 2023: Food Justice, Labour Rights and Social Gastronomy
Guests: Joshna Maharaj (Chef, Activist, Educator & Author), Charlotte Big Canoe (Partner and Membership Director, The Full Plate), Chris Ramsaroop (Educator and activist, Justicia for Migrant Workers)
Series III Podcasts
Series III, Episode 1: Privatization of Public Health: Protecting Universal Healthcare for the Common Good
Guests: JP Hornick (President, OPSEU/SEFPO) and Naheed Dosani (Palliative Care Physician and Health Justice Activist)
Series III, Episode 2: Migrant Workers and the “Pandemic Paradox”: The Unseen Hands That Truly Keep Us Afloat
Guests: Ethel Tungohan (Canada Research Chair in Canadian Migration Policy, Impacts and Activism), Jhoey Dulaca (Organizer with the Caregivers’ Action Centre/Migrant Workers Alliance for Change) and Chris Ramsaroop (Activist and Organizer, Justicia for Migrant Workers)
Series III, Episode 3: Home is Where the Community is: Housing as a Human Right
Guests: Dania Majid (Director of the Tenant Duty Council Program at the Advocacy Center for Tenants Ontario (ACTO)), John Ecker (director of Research and Evaluation at the Canadian Observatory on Homelessness) and Haydar Shouly (Senior Manager of Shelters and Shelter Programs with Dixon Hall)
Series III, Episode 4, Part I: Mouth Open, Story Jump Out: The Power and Purpose of Storytelling in These Times
Guests: Teagan de Laronde (Storyteller, First Story), Richardo Keens-Douglas (Storyteller, Author, Actor, Playwright) and Dan Yashinsky (Storyteller, Writer, Community Animator)
Series III, Episode 4, Part II: Mouth Open, Story Jump Out: The Power and Purpose of Storytelling in These Times
Guests: Rhoma Spencer (Storyteller, Actor, Playwright, Filmmaker), Lynn Torrie (Storyteller, Educator) and Rico Rodriguez (Storyteller, Founder of Queers in Your Ears)
Series III, Episode 5: Home is Where the Earth Is: The Climate Crisis Meets the Housing Crisis
Guests: Guest: Emmay Mah (Executive Director, Toronto Environmental Alliance)
Series III, Episode 6: From Contract Negotiation to Political Protest: Reflecting on Ontario's Education Workers' Fight for Jobs, Rights, and Dignity
Guest: Laura Walton (President, CUPE’s Ontario School Boards Council of Unions (OSBCU)
Series III, Episode 7: Who's Hungry… and Why?: Food Banks, Food Insecurity and Ending Hunger for Good
Guest: Guests: Neil Hetherington (CEO, The Daily Bread Food Bank) and Maria Rio (Director of Development and Communication, The Stop Community Food Centre)
Series III, Episode 8: COP15 and 30x30 Part I: Turning the Tide on Biodiversity Loss and Mass Extinction
Guests: Tim Gray (Executive Director, Environmental Defence) and Sandra Schwartz (National Executive Director, CPAWS – Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society)
Series III, Episode 9: COP15 and 30x30 Part II: Indigenous-Led Conservation and Saving the Greenbelt
Guest: Jeff Monague (Manager, Springwater Provincial Park & Fmr Chief Beausoleil First Nation)
Series III, Episode 10: Capitalism and the Mental Health Crisis
Madeleine Ritts (Social Worker, Researcher, Writer),
Michelle Sraha-Yeboah (Researcher on Mental Health in Black Communities),
Jon Weier (Researcher and Educator in Labor Issues)
Series III, Episode 11: Telling Black Histories: Writing, Recuperation and Resistance, Part 1
Guest: George Elliott Clarke (4th Poet Laureate of Toronto, 7th Canadian Parliamentary Poet Laureate)
Series III, Episode 11: Telling Black Histories: Writing, Recuperation and Resistance, Part 2
Guest: George Elliott Clarke (4th Poet Laureate of Toronto, 7th Canadian Parliamentary Poet Laureate)
Series II Podcasts
Series II, Episode 1: Education, Critical Pedagogy and the Future of Learning in a Post-Pandemic World
Guest: Henry A. Giroux (author, educator, and public intellectual)
Series II, Episode 2: Ecological Grief: Mourning the Past, Fearing the Future and Finding Hope
Guest: Ashlee Cunsolo (Dean, School of Arctic and Subarctic Studies of the Labrador Institute of Memorial University and leading voice on climate change, mental health and ecological grief)
Series II, Episode 3: Conflict, Climate and Refugees: Borderless Crises in a Bordered World and the Politics of Asylum
Guests: Loly Rico (Executive Director, FCJ Refugee Centre) and Rachel Bryce (Co-Chair of the Climate Migration Working Group, Canadian Association of Refugee Lawyers)
Series II, Episode 4: Mental Health in the Workplace: Are we Working Well?
Guests: Jonathan Weier (Academic Advisor, Douglas Coldwell Layton Foundation) and Tom Parkin (Principle, Impact Strategies)
Series II, Episode 5: COVID, Capitalism, Climate: The Standard of Double-Standards Between the Global North and the Global South
Guest: Vijay Prashad (historian, journalist, writer and Executive Director of Tri-Continental Institute for Social Research)
Series II, episode 6: COVID, inequality and the billionaire space-race
Guests: Linda McQuaig (author, journalist, activist) and Ian Thomson (Manager of Policy, Oxfam Canada)
Series II, Episode 7: Climate Anxiety & Climate Justice Organizing: Fearing the Future, Finding Hope and Fighting for Our Planet – Part I
Guest: Bryanna Brown (climate activist with Indigenous Climate Action and originator of Land Back)
Series II, Episode 8: Climate Anxiety & Climate Justice Organizing: Fearing the Future, Finding Hope and Fighting for Our Planet – Part II
Guests: Aliya Hirji (climate justice organizer and activist) and Marie Dolcetti-Koros (National Chairperson, Canadian Federation of Students)
Series I Podcasts
Series I, Episode 1: The Convergence: COVID! Capitalism! Climate!
Guests: Ed Broadbent (Politician and Chair, The Broadbent Institute) and Kofi Hope (thought leader, social entrepreneur and Toronto Star columnist)
Series I, Episode 2: Labour & Economic Security: Bread and Roses in a Post-Pandemic World
Guests: John Clarke (anti-poverty activist) and Paul Meinema (President, United Food & Commercial Workers, Canada)
Series I, Episode 3: Sustainable Food and Zero Hunger: The Future and the Right to Eat
Guest: Paul Taylor (Executive Director, FoodShare Toronto)
Series I, Episode 4: From Epidemic to Pandemic: Rethinking Health
Guests: Keith McCrady (Executive Director, 2-Spirited People of the 1st Nations) and Zoe Dodd (Harm Reduction Worker, University Health Network)
Series I, Episode 5: Toward a Rights-Based City: Access, Equality, Sustainability
Guests: Cheryll Case (Founder and Principle Urban Planner, CP Planning) and Dave Meslin (Community Activist and Founder, Toronto Public Space Committee)
Series I, Episode 6: COVID, Capitalism, Climate: The Way Forward / Building a Better World on a Sustainable Planet
Guest: Dr. Vandana Shiva (Activist, Author, Eco-Feminist, Climate Justice Leader)
email: tdouglasinstitute@georgebrown.ca
or call: 416-415-5000 ext. 2555 (voicemail)
About The Tommy Douglas Institute