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Children playing in a schoolyard

Partnerships and special initiatives

As a member of industry or the general community, you may be interested to learn that George Brown is involved with many innovative projects that solidify its standing as a leading early childhood school. What follows are just a few examples of how George Brown is having impact on its community in the area of early childhood education training, research and development.

Advanced Special Needs Training

Children with special needs require specialized care. George Brown, in partnership with the Creche Child and Family Centre, offers a unique training program for early childhood educators on how to respond to children with special needs. The training, a combination of theory and monthly meetings, reflects a philosophy of inclusiveness in the daycare setting for the child with special needs.

Reaching In - Reaching Out

The study of human resiliency is at the core of this two-year research project between George Brown and various community partners. The project adapts existing knowledge about resiliency to a preschool setting, and then evaluates the impact of new strategies that are created from this working knowledge of resiliency to enhance early childhood training. The goal of the project is to strengthen early childhood development, learning and care and to improve parenting.

IDEAS - Emotional well-being in child care

Children, like adults, experience fluctuations in their emotional wellbeing. This project explores current research and theory in children’s mental health and development for the benefit of early childhood educators working with infants and young children. IDEAS is published as a separate section in the Fall and Spring editions of the Canadian Child Care Federation’s magazine, Interaction. Visit the CCF website for more information.

Early Childhood Education Program Advisory Committee

Made up of prominent members of the early childhood education community, alumni, faculty members and other leaders, the Program Advisory Committee exists to keep George Brown’s pre-school worker training program relevant. The Committee meets to discuss current needs and trends and then makes recommendations for changes to curriculum.

Hire a George Brown student

If you are a sector partner interested in preparing your future employees by providing a field placement for them, or being a mentor contact:

Fay Lim-Lambie BA,BSW,MSW,RSW
Dean, Centre for Health Sciences and Centre for Community Services & Early Childhood