George Brown College
Manager's Guide to Onboarding

Module 1

Get Started with Onboarding


This module will help managers get started to plan the onboarding experience. It introduces key concepts such as roles and responsibilities, the buddy system and required training. It also explores the employee onboarding journey and the key phases of the experience.

Start module 1
Module 2

Before the New Employee's First Day


This module will explain the onboarding best practices that occur before a new employee’s first day. It will share the checklist of actions as a manager to take before the first day. At the end of the module, managers can download a toolkit with the checklist and resources to support.

Start module 2
Module 3

The New Employee's First Day


This module will explain the onboarding best practices that occur on your new employee’s first day. It will share the checklist of actions as a manager to take on the new employee’s first day. At the end of the module, you can download a toolkit with the checklist and resources you need.

Start module 3
Module 4

The New Employee's First Week


This module will explain the onboarding best practices that occur during your new employee’s first week. It will share the checklist of actions as a manager to take. At the end of the module, you can download a toolkit with the checklist and resources you need.

Start module 4
Module 5

The New Employee's First Month to First Year


This module will explain the onboarding best practices that occur during your new employee’s first month to first year. It will share the checklist of actions as a manager to take. At the end of the module, you can download a toolkit with the checklist and resources you need.

Start module 5