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George Brown College hosted a Malaysian delegation for a working lunch and a tour of the Centre for Hospitality and Culinary Arts. Her Excellency Anizan Siti Hajjar Adnin, High Commissioner of Malaysia visited the college on Thursday, November 18, along with Henry Leong Bee Lee, Honorary Consulate...

As hospitality and tourism businesses look to reimagine experiences for a post-pandemic world, we’ve launched an exciting partnership with the Culinary Tourism Alliance to support and help shape the future of the sector. The agreement with the Culinary Tourism Alliance announced October 27 outlines...

As Canada’s hospitality and tourism sector re-emerges from the shadow of COVID-19, its labour market is bouncing back to meet our pent-up demand to dine out, see sights or getaway for the weekend. Employment opportunities will rise as restaurants, hotels, attractions and other businesses regain...

Himanshu Luthra completed two programs at the School of Hospitality and Tourism Management, achieved top grades, and padded his resume with experience working with top-tier organizations in the field. He's about to graduate from a degree program with impressive grades, and he said faculty and...

George Brown College’s 2021 Ambition Nutrition Symposium focused on food literacy, with keynote speakers and sessions dedicated to helping people recognize facts and fiction in an online environment rife with misinformation. The three-day event highlighted food policy and food insecurity as well...

George Brown College students won a combined $10,000 in seed money for their entrepreneurial ideas as part of the annual Pitch It! competition hosted by startGBC. The 2021 competition—held online due to COVID-19—awarded ideas in two streams: business (for-profit) and social innovation. A...

Shortly after Hannah Gaum started the Bachelor of Commerce (Culinary Management) program she realized she wanted to work in a lab instead of a kitchen. She seized an opportunity to work at George Brown College’s Food Innovation and Research Studio (FIRSt), and is collaborating with culinary...

When the world fully opens to travel again Georgy Pyle wants to be at the forefront of an ethical and sustainable tourism transformation. In the meantime, she’s taken a leadership role at the college, ensuring sustainability issues are top of mind for students and the George Brown College...

Culinary Technologist Candace Rambert’s passion for problem solving moves her clients’ food and beverage ideas from the lab to store shelves. It also helped George Brown College’s Food Innovation and Research Studio (FIRSt) meet the challenges posed by COVID-19. FIRSt offers a range of services for...

DeAille Tam, a graduate of George Brown College’s Chef School, has been named Asia’s Best Female Chef, 2021. Tam’s “creative flair, progressive approach and deep understanding of China’s culinary traditions” earned her the incredible honour. She’s the co-founder and executive chef of Obscura...