Modelling Essential Employability Skills

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Supporting students' well-being in the classroom has been shown to equip students with important skills and resiliencies that they carry with them after they graduate. Modelling support skills in students' learning environments can also equip them with emotional literacies and 'people skills' that they will need in future careers. In this section, faculty describe how treating students with care can teach them to treat future clients, patients, and colleagues with care.

Ed Sahely – Using Improv to Teach Soft Skills

Ed Sahely describes how his improvisation classes are ultimately about emotional literacy, listening, and communication, which are all essential employability skills.

Sue Miner – Teaching Stress Management Competencies

Sue Miner shares some of the classroom practices that she uses to equip her students with stress management skills that they will need to thrive in the high-pressure world of theatre and performing arts. 

 If you have any questions about what Sue shared in this video, feel free to contact her at

Robin Yap – Critical Thinking Skills and Well-Being

Robin Yap explains how his focus on teaching critical thinking skills in the classroom sets students up for lower stress levels in the workplace.

If you have any questions about what Robin shared in this video, feel free to contact him at

Lorraine Betts and Jacqueline Schmid – Fostering Psychological Safety in Testing Scenarios

In this extended instructional video, Lorraine Betts and Jacqueline Schmid demonstrate how they build psychological safety with Nursing students who are about to enter high-fidelity simulation environments to be tested on their knowledge. Lorraine and Jacqui show us exactly what they say – and how they say it! – so that their students feel equipped and safe enough to learn from this unique opportunity to practice working with patients.

If you have any questions about what Lorraine and Jacqueline shared in this video, feel free to contact them at or