What is individual counselling?
Simply put, counselling is a conversation. A conversation with a professional counsellor allows a person the opportunity to discuss concerns and problems with someone in a safe, private, and friendly environment. Sometimes personal issues may be impacting your ability to focus on your studies and sometimes schoolwork can be impacting your personal life. We are here to help you succeed! Check out What is Counselling? A Search for a Definition for more information.
What is group counselling?
What is group counselling?
Counselling groups are counsellor-facilitated opportunities to connect with other students who are struggling in a safe and supportive environment that can be normalizing, validating and can reduce isolation. Counselling groups help members learn coping strategies faster than in individual therapy and counselling groups can provide useful information/skills that can be applied right away. Groups instil hope, a sense that “If they can make it, so can I.” For more information about our counselling groups, please check out the information below.
Is counselling confidential?
All information you tell your counsellor is strictly confidential. This means that the counsellor will not provide anyone with information about you (or even that you came to counselling) to anyone without your written permission. Information about seeking help from Counselling Services does NOT go into the student’s academic record and will NOT be given to parents, employers, or any governments. The only exceptions where others need to be contacted are those rare occasions when:
- it is clear that a person’s life is in danger, including your own
- a child appears to be at risk of being harmed or neglected
- information is subpoenaed by a court of law
View our Privacy Policy for more information.

What issues can I discuss with my counsellor?
Most issues related to personal and academic concerns.

Who can access counselling?
All currently registered students at George Brown College are eligible to receive counselling services at no cost.

How long is a counselling session?
Most sessions can be up to 60 minutes long depending on the issues discussed.
What if I have special needs and/or need some accommodations (e.g. technology, interpreter)?
We will do our best to help facilitate access to your special needs. Please indicate on the on-line intake form what accommodations we can provide to allow you to access services. If you need to discuss any accommodation you require to access counselling services please email our office at letstalk@georgebrown.ca, letstalkcl@georgebrown.ca, letstalkwf@georgebrown.ca
How do I book/cancel an appointment?
To book/cancel an appointment, please use our Student Portal.
If you need assistance with booking an appointment or have any questions you can contact: letstalk@georgebrown.ca, letstalkcl@georgebrown.ca, letstalkwf@georgebrown.ca