Work Experience Eligibility

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Complete a work term to gain real work experience

Interested in completing a work term to gain real work experience during your program? Find out if your program is eligible below. You’ll also be able to see requirements and more by program type.

Eligible programs

  • Business Administration - Finance (with work experience) B150
  • Business Administration - Human Resources (with work experience) B154
  • Business Administration (with work experience) B155
  • Business Administration - Project Management (with work experience) B156
  • Business Administration - Accounting (with work experience) B157
  • Business Administration - Marketing (with work experience) B158
  • Business Administration - International Business (with work experience) B161
  • Business Administration - Supply Chain and Operations Management (with work experience) B162

Student eligibility

  • Students must be in a 3-year business program with a work experience option. Students must complete BUS 1000 (Work Experience prep)


  • BUS1000 (Work Experience Prep): completed in semester 3 or 4
  • Work Term 1: completed before 5th academic semester
  • Work Term 2: completed before 6th academic semester

Program cost

  • $500 for each work term which is charged at the time of registration

Work Experience Prep Course (BUS 1000)

  • Complete in either semester 3 or 4
  • Minimum program GPA of 3.00 required to enroll in BUS 1000
  • Completion of COMM1007/COMM2000 required to enroll in BUS1000

Work Term Courses (INTN/COOP)

  • INTN – refers to positions that are either unpaid or honorarium
  • COOP – refers to positions that are paid minimum wage or higher

Work Term requirements

  • Paid work terms: Work terms paid minimum wage or higher must be 360 hours or more.
  • Unpaid and honorarium work terms: 360 hours (no more, no less)
  • Start date: work terms cannot begin before the start of the academic semester
  • End date: work terms cannot end after the end of the academic semester
  • Work terms must be supervised by an appropriate mentor
  • Work term deliverables (documents and assignments) are required to pass the course

Advance Diploma Work Experience Frequently Asked Questions

Course registration has opened, but I’m hoping to get a work term. Should I register for academic courses or keep looking for a work term?

You can register for academic courses and continue job searching. If you secure a work term opportunity, you can register for your work term and drop your academic courses if this is done before the drop date. Advanced Diploma students who wish to register for a work term must contact

How do I get access to GBCareers to apply to jobs for the 2nd work term?

Email your Co-op Officer to obtain access at the beginning of term before you want to complete your work term.

Can I complete more than 2 work terms?

Domestic students may complete an additional 3rd work term. Please note you will be charged a $500 work term fee for each work term.

What happens if I don’t meet the GPA requirement to complete BUS 1000 and I am in my 4th semester?

Students must complete the Work Experience Prep course in either their 3rd or 4th semester. If you don’t meet the GPA requirement in your 4th semester, you will be transferred to the non-work experience version of your program.

Can I finish my program while on a work term?

Students need to finish their program while on an academic semester completing full-time studies (you can’t be a part-time student).

Eligible programs

  • Human Resources Management program (Postgraduate) (B408)
  • Human Resources Management program (Online) (Postgraduate) (B428)
  • Marketing Management - Financial Services program (Postgraduate) (B406)
  • Marketing Management – Digital Media program (Online) (Postgraduate) (B423)
  • People Analytics Program (Postgraduate) (B430)
  • Marketing Management – Digital Media program (Postgraduate) (B433)
  • Sport and Event Marketing program (Postgraduate) (B400)
  • Strategic Relationship Marketing program (Postgraduate) (B409)


  • B400, B409, B433, B423, & B406
    • Semester 1 (Academic term - includes work prep course)
    • Semester 2 (Academic Term)
    • Work Term
  • B408, B428, & B430
    • Semester 1 (Academic Term)
    • Semester 2 (Academic term - includes work prep course)
    • Work Term

Work Term Requirements:

  • Paid work terms: Work terms paid minimum wage or higher must be 360 hours or more.
  • Unpaid and honorarium work terms: 360 hours (no more, no less)
  • Start date: work terms cannot begin before the start of the academic semester
  • End date: work terms cannot end after the end of the academic semester
  • Work terms must be supervised by an appropriate mentor
  • Work term deliverables (documents and assignments) are required to pass the course

Program cost

  • $500 for work term

Work Experience Prep Course

  • Must be completed in the designated academic term
  • Exemptions can be granted to those who completed the work prep course in a previous Centre for Business program

Work Term Courses (INTN/COOP)

  • INTN – refers to positions that are either unpaid or honorarium
  • COOP – refers to positions that are paid minimum wage or higher


Eligible programs

  • Honours Bachelor of Commerce Financial Services (B302) / Accounting (B322) / (B333)
  • Honours Bachelor of Business Administration Program (Business Analytics) (B303)
  • Bachelor of Business Administration (Trades Management) (Honours) (Pathway Business Trades) Program (B305) / (B304) / (B306) / (B307) 
  • Honours Bachelor of Commerce (Digital Marketing) Program (B312)

Work Term Courses:

  • Degree students need to be paid for their Co-op

Student Requirements:

  • Degree students must complete 420 hours, either in one block or in multiple cumulative blocks.
  • Degree students are required to complete 420 hours of work. Additional co-op terms can be completed, but are not required and are optional.
  • International students cannot do additional co-ops. Co-op work permits are only issued for required work terms.
  • The co-op experience usually occurs between your sixth and seventh semesters if taken in one block, and all 420 hours must be completed before the seventh semester

Sequencing (pathway) and courses

  • BCOP 1000, Work Experience Prep: Students are encouraged to take this course in semester 3 in order to maximize the amount of time available to secure a work term. This course is only offered in the fall.
  • BCOP 1101, Work Term Course: Students in full-time work terms register in this course when in their work term (usually summers). Students in part-time work terms register in this course during the semester they will reach the 420hr work term requirement.
  • Both BCOP 1000 and BCOP 1101 are required to graduate.

Program cost

  • Cost of work prep and work term are included in students’ tuition

Frequently Asked Questions for All Programs

How do I get access to opportunities?

Students are asked to upload a cover letter and resume to GBCareers during the work experience prep course. Please email your co-op officer that this upload has occurred. Within a few days after receiving this notification, staff will review your documents. If they are deemed to be satisfactory you will be granted access to see and apply for opportunities.

Why don’t I see any opportunities?

There are a few possible reasons. It may be too soon for jobs to post, you may not be released to see opportunities, you may be looking in the wrong spot in GBCareers, or there may not be any active opportunities. Review information and announcements shared in your prep class, and if you still aren’t sure, check with your Co-op Officer or

What is the difference between an internship and a co-op work term?

Internship is a work term position that is unpaid or that provides an honorarium (lump sum offered weekly, monthly or at the end of the term)

Co-op work term is a position that is paid hourly (minimum wage or higher) or salary.

How do I get a work term opportunity?

Students need to apply to jobs on our job board.You must apply to jobs with a tailored cover letter and resume. Based on your application, employers decide who they want to interview/hire.

Alternatively, students can apply to jobs on an external job board or employer website. If you obtain a position from an external job board it would be considered a self-directed job.

Where will I work?

This depends on the employer. Positions may be onsite or remote, depending on the nature of the work. This should be clear in the job posting or at the time an offer is made.

How will I be evaluated?

Your employer/direct supervisor will be asked to complete a Work Term Evaluation form. You will be evaluated on areas such as punctuality, teamwork, communication skills, professionalism etc. Meeting the goals set on your learning objectives will be taken into consideration as well.

What does the Field Education Office do for me?

The Field Education Office manages the Work Experience Prep course. This course prepares you to search for a work term position by giving you the tools to create a tailored cover letter and resume, interview skills, networking and job searching skills etc. The office also supports students while on work term by mediating any issues that may occur. The Field Education Office also develops relationships with businesses in order to procure work term opportunity postings.

When do I start searching for a work term position?

As soon as you can! Students are encouraged to network and explore opportunities independently as early as possible. The Co-op Office typically starts posting opportunities to GBCareers about 3 months before the work term is scheduled to start.

Degree students are encouraged to start job searching a minimum of 4 months before the semester in which they want to begin a work term.

Can George Brown guarantee a work term position for me?

Since students must apply to work term positions, we do not guarantee students will obtain a position. We equip students with all the tools and skills required to secure a work term. We aim to mimic ‘real world’ experience, therefore applying for a work term is a competitive process.

What should I do before entering a Co-op program?

Take stock of your reasons for entering the program. Consider goals, expectations, and what you want to do next. Research opportunities in your field of interest and reconnect with those in your network to let them know what you’re up to.

What steps do I take after being offered a work term position?

Let your Co-op Officer know when you’ve secured a position, even if that offer came through the Co-op Office. Next steps are likely posted to Brightspace, but we’ll make sure you know what to do next. Different students and positions may have slightly different steps to take, so checking in with your Co-op Officer is key.

What happens when I complete my work term?

If you have completed all the required hours/weeks for your work term, completed all assignments on Brightspace and submitted all work term forms, you will receive a final grade of P – pass for your work term

What if I don’t like my work term position?

Once you accept a work term position verbally or in writing, you can’t rescind the job offer or quit. If you are experiencing issues with your employer, connect with your Co-op Officer immediately to discuss.

Can an employer fire me from my work term?

Yes, students can be terminated from a work term position the same as any other job. Though rare, it happens. If this has happened or you’re concerned about losing your role, contact your Co-op Officer immediately.

Can a student fail a work term?

Yes. Failing to submit key documents and assignments, not fulfilling minimum hours requirements, or being terminated based on performance may lead to not passing the work term course.