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What happens if I'm late or miss my tutoring session?
You can cancel your appointment online on our booking system, or by phone. We have a 12-hour cancellation policy, which means you must cancel your appointment at least 12 hours before your scheduled time. If you do not cancel your appointment it will be counted as a missed appointment. Missing two...
What are Liberal Studies electives?
George Brown College's Liberal Studies electives are designed to enable students in degree programs to expand and deepen their knowledge and understanding of the humanities (LHUM), sciences (LSCI), and social sciences (LSSC). In order to fulfill the Liberal Studies breadth requirement, electives...
What does KPI mean?
Since 1998, colleges have been mandated by the Ontario government to collect and report performance data in five areas – graduate satisfaction, student satisfaction, employer satisfaction, employment rate, and graduation rate. This performance data is known as Key Performance Indicators or KPI's...
What is a waiting list?
When all available spaces in a program are filled (based on competition) qualified applicants are placed on a waiting list. If spaces become available, the most qualified applicants on the waiting list are notified by an email and are given a specific time to reply. The deadline to respond changes...
I am a student with accommodations. What if I didn’t book my test with 7 days notice?
The Assessment Centre requires 7 days notice for all test bookings. Late booking requests (any request under 7 days) will not be guaranteed. The Assessment Centre will not accept walk-ins (students with no confirmed appointment) on the day of the test.
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