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What happens if I'm late or miss my tutoring session?

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You can cancel your appointment online on our booking system, or by phone. We have a 12-hour cancellation policy, which means you must cancel your appointment at least 12 hours before your scheduled time. If you do not cancel your appointment it will be counted as a missed appointment.

Missing two sessions

If you have two missed appointments in a semester, your account will be disabled, and you will not be able to book appointments until you come and speak to an Advisor. If your account gets disabled twice in one semester, you will no longer be able to make advanced bookings, which means you will only be able to use the TLC for walk-in appointments.

What if I'm late?

If you are more than 10 minutes late for your appointment, we may give your session to another student who is waiting. Thank you for your understanding as we try to provide this service to all students.

Tech issues

If you are experiencing technical issues and are not able to access your online appointment, please email or call us for assistance. 

Spring Program Delivery

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