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How can I get help and support when using Brightspace?
Getting started As an introduction, follow the Brightspace self-directed online training.There are useful resources available on our Brightspace support page. There you will find how-to videos on accessing the virtual classroom, submitting an assignment, taking a test online, and more. Online...
How do I transfer credits from another college or university?
Transfer Credits (Course Exemptions) New and current students can apply online to transfer credits from another post-secondary institution to George Brown College. If you are approved for transfer credit, you will then be exempted from completing the equivalent course(s) at George Brown. Be sure to...
I graduated, but did not receive my credential in the mail. What should I do?
If you completed a full time program within the last six (6) months, and did not receive your credential (certificate, diploma, or degree) in the mail, please send an inquiry to the Academic Records Office.
What if I do not take my English or Math Placement Assessment?
In order to help you succeed, you will be automatically placed in foundation-level courses if you do not complete your required placement assessments. This will ensure that you have the opportunity to complete all courses required for graduation. The best option is to complete your placement...
Is there a library on campus?
George Brown College Library Learning Commons All active students, faculty and staff of George Brown College have access to Library Learning Commons (LLC) and library collections with full borrowing privileges. Visit the Library Learning Commons webpage for locations and hours of operation. To...
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