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How do I transfer credits from another college or university?
Transfer Credits (Course Exemptions) New and current students can apply online to transfer credits from another post-secondary institution to George Brown College. If you are approved for transfer credit, you will then be exempted from completing the equivalent course(s) at George Brown. Be sure to...
How can I prepare for and book the Admissions Assessment test?
The Admissions Test is offered only in Toronto. In order to take the admission test, you have to currently be in Toronto and a mature student (19 years or older). You have to apply for a program through our online application system and choose "I want to take the George Brown College's Admission...
What are supplemental or 'additional' admission requirements?
Certain programs at George Brown may have additional requirements, over and above the academic courses or credentials required. This might include: In-person InterviewOnline recorded interviewInformation sessionAdditional testingAuditionPortfolioDemoQuestionnaireReview by Departmental CommitteePrior...
What is the difference between the Admission Test and the Placement Test?
Admission tests are used to determine if you meet the requirements to be accepted to the College. Placement Assessments in English and/or Math are taken after you have accepted an offer of admission. Placement assessments determine whether you are ready to take the college-level credit courses in...
Is there a homestay program?
Student Homestay Services, George Brown's long-time partner in student accommodation, maintains a close network of caring families who make your transition to living and studying abroad a friendly and positive experience. You can also choose to stay in private accommodation. Our Student Life office...
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