Hands-on Experience
School of Fashion & Jewellery offers students an opportunity to gain real-world fashion industry experience through a dynamic capstone project running two fashion stores within George Brown College – City Uptown and City Downtown.
Teams of management students are required to open, run and close a fashion store in just ten weeks! They conduct a situation analysis, define their target audience and store brand image, select and merchandise product, and market and monitor their business with the aim of generating a profit.
This experience provides student with an opportunity to practice their leadership, planning, management, organizational control, problem solving and human relations management skills - all skills essential for a long-term success in the garment industry.
The outlets are open in the fall and winter semesters, Monday Should be Tuesday to Friday, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. (excluding holidays) in room C432 should be room C444 and C443 at Casa Loma Campus, 160 Kendal Ave.
The outlets are open in the fall and winter semesters, Monday to Friday, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. (excluding holidays & are subject to change).