Confidential Destruction

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The Shredding Procedure

George Brown College Archives is responsible for all confidential destruction from all departments, offices, and employees of the college. Whatever can’t be put in a recycling bin must be destroyed by George Brown Archives in the manner described by this procedure. Erring on the side of caution, all material containing information about students, employees, and the business of the college is destroyed in the same manner, ensuring that no sensitive information of any kind will be leaked to the public. 

How to get documents shredded

You can download the Shred Console Tracking Sheet and Manager’s Authorization forms here(either PDF or Word format). If you have documents/materials matching the record types listed on the Shred Console Tracking Sheet, place the material in the console and fill in the tracking sheet.
Example of record types to place in the console:

  • Printed email 
  • Working notes or memos containing ANY business or personal information 
  • Duplicates of documents 
  • Printing/copying errors containing ANY business or personal information 
  • Student assignments (OLDER THAN 1 ACADEMIC TERM)  

It is essential that the tracking sheet is filled in completely. This information is required by law for the college to destroy the material. Think of this as a receipt for the items destroyed. If the tracking sheet is not filled out correctly, your department will have to go through the entire console to discover what is in it, and then fill out the tracking sheet.

At the designated pick-up date (or when the console is full), the console must be sealed, the tracking sheet and manager’s authorization sent to Archives, and the console will be emptied by Access Storage staff. There may be a short delay of 1 or 2 days while signatures are obtained before the console is emptied.

If for some reason you cannot use a console, contact the archivist to make other arrangements. Please note: an abundance of material is not a valid reason to not use the consoles.


If you have any questions, please get in touch with our Archivist, Clay Thibodeau:
Tel: (416) 415-5000 Ext. 4771
Fax: 416-415-4772