Personal Support Worker Program (PSW) (C112)

Program Description

Leadership Claims

George Brown has been training Personal Support Workers for over 20 years.

Program Overview

The two-semester Personal Support Worker (PSW) program teaches students the skills required to provide or assist with personal care for the elderly, the chronically ill and persons with accessibility challenges, who may be living in the community, in long-term care facilities and in select ambulatory care settings. Classes are held at our state-of-the-art Daphne Cockwell Centre for Health Sciences located at the Waterfront Campus.

Full Description

Personal Support Worker (PSW) is a two-semester program that teaches students the full range of skills required to assist clients with their personal and household needs in order to ensure their comfort and safety. PSWs provide or assist with personal care for:

  • the frail elderly
  • the chronically ill
  • people with physical disabilities living in the community
  • people in long-term care facilities
  • people in select ambulatory care settings
  • people in acute medical and surgical settings
  • people receiving palliative care

Courses focus on the skills and abilities needed to create a climate that promotes the optimal physical, social and emotional well-being of each client.

Your Field Education Options

As a student in the Personal Support Worker program, you will learn how to practice as a member of an interprofessional health care team through a variety of hands-on experiences. These experiences will include supervised placements in institutional and community settings, and an interprofessional Simulation Centre experience.

Please note: Faculty supervised clinical practicums take place in various settings across the Greater Toronto Area. The clinical practicum experience may vary between day and/or evening shifts depending upon the practice setting.

Career & Postgraduate Study Opportunities

Your Career

PSW graduates find employment at locations such as:

  • ambulatory care settings
  • long-term care facilities
  • residential and supportive housing
  • community support agencies
  • acute medical settings
  • palliative care settings

Future Study Options

PSW graduates who meet all admission requirements and who wish to continue their education in order to enter the nursing profession may opt to apply to the PSW Pathway to Practical Nursing program (S119). They may also apply to the Practical Nursing program (S121) directly if they meet all admission requirements.

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