A Roadmap to the Future: Vision 2030, Strategy 2026

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George Brown College is growing to meet the needs of our city, our province, our country, and even the world. 

By expanding our enrolment, physical and online presence, network of partners, and academic and research initiatives, we will deliver impactful post-secondary education that benefits students, industry and the broader community.  

The future of George Brown College presents a range of exciting possibilities as we prepare students for a world of constant change—as economic transformations, climate change, urbanization and disruptive technologies continue to shake up established industries.

We've formulated a long-term perspective and vision that will guide us toward the George Brown College of 2030, and, at the same time, ensure that we deliver on the strategy to take us to 2026.

Strategy 2026: A Roadmap to the Future

Strategy 2026 was developed over a nine-month period involving the college community through consultation, validation of emerging direction, and a variety of feedback sessions with stakeholders.

Strategy 2026 establishes the priorities for aligning our resources and activities. It will propel George Brown toward becoming an inclusive college renowned for student success, career-oriented academic programs, research and innovation, community and industry partnership, and employee pride and engagement.

View Strategy 2026

2026 Strategic Priorities

Priority 1: Attract and Engage Diverse Learners

Cultivate a holistic and engaging student experience to attract and support diverse learners, improve access, equity, overall success, and well-being.

Goal: Position George Brown as a post-secondary destination of choice and enrich learner diversity through targeted recruitment to attract, engage and retain students across priority domestic and international markets.

Goal: Build a college-wide ecosystem of equity-informed services, supports, spaces and experiences that cultivate a sense of belonging in a student-centred environment that facilitates student success by design.

Goal: Strengthen the college’s capacity to promote learner resourcefulness and self-efficacy through integrated advising and skill development.

Priority 2: Innovative Academic and Research Initiatives

Build a dynamic portfolio of evolving academic credentials; innovative programs and pathways; creative curriculum design and delivery; and research opportunities to equip graduates with the skills for success, now and into the future.

Goal: Advance the mission of the college through development and renewal of curriculum and programming to deliver high-quality and high-impact learning experiences.

Goal: Expand research and innovation opportunities, motivating employee engagement and enabling learners to develop and apply sector-relevant skills.

Goal: Strengthen the college’s academic and research prominence.

Priority 3: Connections that Build and Contribute to the Future

Establish the college as a goodwill ambassador, innovator, and city builder, creating conditions for lifelong learning, community development, social and economic growth through a mutual exchange of knowledge, experiences, and resources with a rich network of partners.

Goal: To be a recognized industry champion, community, and city builder, by enabling innovation, prosperity, sustainability, and vibrancy of our local, regional, and international communities.

Goal: To increase George Brown's network for local and global charitable giving, opportunity-based investments, and funding.

Goal: Advance the George Brown brand and reputation as a renowned Canadian college to augment value and facilitate future growth by building trust and loyalty among key audiences.

Priority 4: Environmental Sustainability

Advance environmental sustainability through collaboration, curriculum, and campus initiatives with local and global influence.

Goal: Nurture and protect our natural environment by working at a local level to address climate change, utilize our resources in an environmentally sustainable manner and empower our learners, employees and partners with insights and innovation that can help solve complex challenges facing our changing planet.

Priority 5: Foundation of Equity

Cultivate a foundation of equity, reconciliation and belonging by establishing anti-racism, Indigenization and meaningful inclusion as being core to our college community expectations, policies, practices, and strategies.

Goal: Build a culture of equity, reconciliation, and belonging by creating a learning and working environment that embraces and honours the complex intersecting identities of our community through the integration of anti-racism, Indigenization, and inclusive practices.

Priority 6: Financial Sustainability

Establish integrated governance, enrolment, operational and capital planning frameworks and the enterprise systems required to facilitate effective decision-making and insights to achieve the college mandate within a financially sustainable and innovative manner.

Goal: Enable decisions that enhance results and mitigate risks, uncovering future possibilities for the college and routes to remain competitive, achieve success and thrive.

Goal: Modernize the college through a cohesive set of improved business processes, systems, plans and policies to support the college’s operations and future direction.

Goal: Fulfill the college mandate and strategic priorities while meeting required financial performance.

The George Brown of 2030 is bold and transformed. It is:

  • Highly personalized
  • Physical, digital and experiential
  • Focused on lifelong learning
  • Connected to industry and community partners
  • Locally strong, globally connected
  • Differentiated
  • Resilient


We turn learning into opportunity.


To be a college renowned for its inclusion, excellence, relevance, impact, and leadership.


To offer a comprehensive program of career-oriented, post-secondary education and training to assist individuals in finding and keeping employment, to meet the needs of employers and the changing work environment and to support the economic and social development of [their] local and diverse communities.

Source: Ontario Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology Act, 2002


Learners and Learning
  • We prioritize the needs, successes, and well-being of our learners.
  • We embrace innovation and curiosity to discover potential.
Equity and Belonging
  • We foster a culture of inclusion and respect.
  • We honour Indigenous knowledge and practices.
  • We advance anti-racism, anti-oppression, and accessibility.
Collaboration and Community
  • We create supportive and cooperative spaces.
  • We listen to and learn from each other.
  • We take responsibility for our decisions.
  • We act with integrity, respect, and compassion.

We strive to ensure that the social, environmental, and economic impacts of our actions benefit future generations.


Guiding Principles

  • Support students in reaching their academic and career goals through teaching and learning activities.
  • Recruit and retain students who will benefit from the GBC programs with work-integrated learning and applied research activities.
  • Support our employees and their commitment to students, skilled trades and higher education.
  • Continue to advance and invest in transformational and innovative higher education.
  • Maintain and preserve the sustainability and prudent financial management of the college.