Sexual Violence Prevention, Response and Resources

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Know Your Rights. Receive Support. Access Services.

All members of the George Brown College community have a right to study, live and work in a safe environment that is free from sexual violence.

Emergency contacts

If you or someone you know has experienced gender-based and sexual violence, help is available at George Brown College through the Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Response Advisors and the Office of Anti-Racism, Equity and Human Rights Services.

You can contact our Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Response Advisor (SGBVRA) at 416-415-5000 ext. 3450 or

In case of emergency:

  • On campus:
    • The George Brown College Public Safety and Security division is made up of qualified security professionals who are on duty 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to monitor and patrol the college buildings. If you have any questions regarding security or feel as through your safety is at risk, please contact Public Safety and Security:
      • Call 416-415-4000, or 0 from an internal Cisco phone
      • Text 416-723-4761
  • Off-campus:

If you've experienced sexual violence

Find a trusted friend or colleague or speak with a Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Response Advisor (SGBVRA) at or 416-415-5000, ext. 3450.

Please see below for additional suggestions and resources.

What if someone discloses their experience to you?

  • Listen without judgement, show support and don’t ask irrelevant questions (such as those related to past sexual history or sexual expression) or request details out of curiosity.
  • Believe the Survivor and don’t make excuses for the perpetrator’s actions.
  • Treat the Survivor with compassion, dignity and respect.
  • Ensure the Survivor is safe and help them seek any immediate medical attention.
  • Advise the Survivor of the content in our Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence Policy.
  • Advise the Survivor that you will refer the matter to the SGVRA, who will follow up with the Survivor.
  • Ask the Survivor for consent to disclose the name of the Survivor or person affected by sexual violence to the Office of Anti-Racism, Equity, and Human Rights Services.

The ABCs of Sexual and Gender-based Violence


What is Sexual Violence?

Sexual Violence is an umbrella term that covers any sexual act or acts targeting a person's sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, whether the act is online, physical or psychological in nature, that is committed, threatened or attempted against a person without the person's consent.

Sexual Violence includes a range of behaviours including, but not limited to: sexual assault, sexual harassment, sexual abuse, sexual misconduct, stalking, indecent exposure, human trafficking, voyeurism, sexual exploitation, drug-facilitated sexual assault, sexual coercion, cyber sexual harassment, technology-facilitated sexual abuse, recording and distribution of a sexually explicit photograph, stealthing, sexual solicitation, sexual innuendos, stalking and intimate partner violence.

You can read George Brown College's Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence Policy for more information.

Bystander intervention

What can I do if I observe something harmful?

If you witness an act of sexual misconduct or harm, or something that could escalate into violence, there are crucial ways you can intervene if you feel safe taking on that responsibility. This is called bystander intervention.

The organization Right to Be designed an easy-to-remember method for taking action in these situations called “The 5 Ds of Bystander Intervention.” They are Direct, Distract, Delegate, Document and Delay. (Watch/listen to the video above for more information.)

Using bystander intervention tactics can be life changing even if they feel minor. Taking action helps create safer communities.

What is my responsibility?

Understand consent. Consent is an agreement between participants to engage in sexual activity. It is an individual's informed, voluntary, ongoing, clear and explicit acceptance to engage in a specific sexual activity. Consent requires that a person can freely choose between two options: yes and no. 

Consent is about communication. It is an ongoing conversation between parties. This means there must be an understandable conversation or communication indicating a willingness to participate in agreed-upon sexual activity. Communication can be verbal or non-verbal. 

A person can withdraw consent at any time during the course of a sexual encounter.

Other safety resources at GBC

External resources

If you are feeling distressed or are having suicidal thoughts, please connect with the following 24-hour crisis lines:

If you or someone you know has recently experienced gender-based and sexual violence, please connect with the following resources:

If you have experienced gender-based and sexual violence and would like to discuss options or find support, please connect with the following resources:

If you are looking for a helpline, please connect with the following resources:

For supports and resources for Indigenous communities, please connect with:

For LGBTQ+ resources, please contact the following organizations:

For women who have experienced gender-based and sexual violence who would like to receive support in French, please connect with the following resource:

Free educational resource:

  • The Draw the Line interactive campaign aims to engage people in a dialogue about sexual violence. The campaign challenges common myths about sexual violence and equips bystanders with information on how to intervene safely and effectively.