It is the responsibility of all students, faculty/staff to report all incidents and emergencies to Campus Security immediately, in complete and accurate detail.
All incidents and emergencies need to be reported immediately to Campus Security at 416-415-4000 or “0” from any George Brown College internal cisco phone, if safe to do so.
Written statements may be requested by Campus Security.
The person reporting the incident or emergency is to provide the following information:
- Name, contact number (if comfortable sharing)
- Location
- Nature of the incident or emergency
During an Emergency/Incident:
Students and staff are not expected to put themselves in an unsafe situation.
- If it is not safe to remain in the immediate area, assist others to evacuate and withdraw to a safe location, alerting others as you go.
- Do not attempt to intervene or investigate. Find a safe area and remain until appropriate assistance arrives.
- Alert others of the situation. If the incident or emergency escalates and you have charge of others, assist in evacuating students, staff or others to a safe location. Faculty/staff are not expected to place themselves in an unsafe situation.
- Call Campus Security at: 416-415-4000 or “0” from any George Brown College internal cisco phone, if safe to do so.
- Assist Campus Security by providing a detailed account of the incident or emergency and updating continuously.