Conservatory Actor Training Auditions

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George Brown Theatre invites you for Theatre Program Auditions

In order to qualify for an audition, apply through the Ontario Colleges Application Service

For all theatre program inquiries, contact: 416-415-5000, ext. 2167 or 1-800-265-2002


All potential students must apply through the Ontario College Application Service (


Entrance into the three-year, professional actor-training course (P104) is based on an in-person audition submission and/or interviews.

All applicants who meet the College’s requirements for post-secondary study will receive an audition invitation. Auditions take place February through May each year for the program’s September start date.

Audition Requirements

Potential students are to present two contrasting monologues and one song. Both the monologues and the song must be memorized.


  • two contrasting monologues: one chosen from the classical repertoire
  • i.e. 1575-1700, the other contemporary i.e. after 1900
  • the monologues MUST be from published plays (stories, poetry, movies, TV or self-written material is not acceptable)
  • monologues must not exceed 1½ minutes each
  • the monologues should be of a contrasting nature to show two different sides of your personality


  • the song can be from any repertoire
  • you will be singing without accompaniment.

Audition Fee

There will be a $50.00 audition fee, payable via credit card through your application profile. The audition panel will not assess an audition without a paid fee.