Centre for Arts, Design & Information Technology

School of Design
- 416 415-5000, ext. 2137
G102, G108, G304, G305 Programs:
- Email: design@georgebrown.ca
G119, G113, G405, G407, G301/302, G418 Programs:
- 416 415-5000, ext. 3129
- Email: game@georgebrown.ca or interaction@georgebrown.ca

School of Fashion & Jewellery
- Office Hours:
Monday-Friday from 9 am to 6 pm
Room: C430
Casa Loma Campus - 416 415-5000, ext. 4840
- Email: fashionandjewellery@georgebrown.ca

School of Media and Performing Arts
- 416 415-5000, ext. 2167
- Email: performingarts@georgebrown.ca
- 416 415-5000, ext. 2196
- Email: dance@georgebrown.ca or education@balletjorgen.ca
- 416 415-5000, ext. 2015
- Email: media@georgebrown.ca

School of Computer Technology
- Office Hours:
Monday-Friday from 9 am to 6 pm
Room: C430
Casa Loma Campus - 416 415-5000, ext. 4287
- Email: computertechnology@georgebrown.ca
Centre for Business

Please visit our Contact page
Centre for Community Services & Early Childhood

School of Social and Community Services
- 416-415-5000, ext. 2185
- Email: communityservices@georgebrown.ca

School of Early Childhood
- 416-415-5000, ext. 2310
- Email: ece@georgebrown.ca

School of Deaf and Deafblind Studies
- 416-415-5000, ext. 2185
- Email: deafstudies@georgebrown.ca
Centre for Construction and Engineering Technologies

Angelo DelZotto School of Construction Management

School of Apprenticeship and Skilled Trades
- 416-415-5000, ext. 6711
- Email: skilledtrades@georgebrown.ca

School of Architectural Studies
- 416-415-5000, ext. 4365
- Email: architecturalstudies@georgebrown.ca

School of Mechanical Engineering Technologies
- 416-415-5000, ext. 4365
- Email: engineeringtech@georgebrown.ca
Centre for Health Sciences

School of Dental Health
- 416-415-5000, ext. 2367
Dental Assisting (S113), Dental Hygiene (S134), Dental Technology (S100), Denturism (S100) and Restorative Dental Hygiene (S400) programs:
- Email: sdhprograms@georgebrown.ca
Honours Bachelor of Science (Dental Hygiene) (S305) program:
- Email: Joanna Asadoorian, Program Co-ordinator: Joanna.Asadoorian@georgebrown.ca

School of Health and Wellness
- 416-415-5000, ext. 2367
- Email: hwprograms@georgebrown.ca
Prosthetic & Orthotic Educational Programs:
- 416-480-5783. Please leave a voicemail only
- Email: applicant_info@gbcpando.com

School of Health Services Management
- 416-415-5000, ext. 2367
- Email: hsmprograms@georgebrown.ca

Sally Horsfall Eaton School of Nursing
- 416-415-5000, ext. 2367
- Email: nursing@georgebrown.ca
Centre for Hospitality & Culinary Arts

School of Hospitality and Tourism Management
- 416-415-5000, ext. 2228
- Email: chcastudentsupport@georgebrown.ca

Chef School
- 416-415-5000, ext. 2240
- Email: chcastudentsupport@georgebrown.ca
Centre for Preparatory and Liberal Studies

School of English as a Second Language (ESL)
- 416-415-5000: ext. 4826
- Email: esl@georgebrown.ca

School of Liberal Arts & Sciences
General Arts and Science Programs (R101) and (R104):
- Email: gas@georgebrown.ca
- 200 King Street East, 5th Floor, Room 524A Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
General and Liberal Studies Electives:
- Email: laselectives@georgebrown.ca
- Virtual Service Desk
- 200 King Street East, 5th Floor, Room 524A Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday

School of Work and College Preparation
General Program Inquiries:
- 416-415-5000, ext. 2874
- Patricia Ramos: preparation@georgebrown.ca
Academic Upgrading Program:
- 416-415-5000, ext. 3560
- Email: upgradinginfo@georgebrown.ca
Academic Upgrading Program for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Adults:
- 416-415-5000 and 416-415-2651
- Deanne Bradley-Coelho: dbradley@georgebrown.ca
Ace Distance:
- 416-415-5000, ext. 3683
- Ron Greenberg: rgreenberg@georgebrown.ca
Choices program:
- 416-415-5000, ext. 4682
- Patricia Hatton: patricia.campbellhatton@georgebrown.ca
- Gus Tzatzanis: gus.tzatzanis2@georgebrown.ca
College Vocational Program:
- 416-415-5000, ext. 2503
- Jennifer Dewar: jdewar@georgebrown.ca
Construction Craft Worker Foundations Program:
- 416-415-5000, ext. 6750
- Janice Tsui: janice.tsui@georgebrown.ca
Culinary Skills (Preparatory Training) Program:
- 416-415-5000, ext. 6750
- Janice Tsui: janice.tsui@georgebrown.ca
Deaf Learn Now:
- Vanessa Dunn: vdunn@georgebrown.ca
Human Services Foundations, formerly Pre-Community Services Program:
- 416-415-5000, ext. 3756
- Ashley Booth: abooth@georgebrown.ca
Pre-Health Sciences Program:
- 416-415-5000, ext. 3980
- Christy Kissoore: christine.kissoore@georgebrown.ca
Transitions to Post-Secondary Education (TPE):
- 416-415-5000
- Email: tpeinfo@georgebrown.ca
Centre for Continuous Learning

- 416-415-5000, ext. 2756
- Email: coned@georgebrown.ca