GBCareers is a job board that has helped connect thousands of George Brown students and alumni with jobs and work experience they are looking for. GBCareers is a self-service job board offering:

Students & Alumni
- Over 8000 annual full-time, part-time, & on-campus job postings from more than 2500 organizations
- Schedule a virtual 1:1 personalized career or job search support appointment with your Career Advisor
- Register for industry career events, information sessions, and workshops

- A free self-service job posting platform to expand your recruitment outreach
- Target specific academic programs
- Sign up to be informed of upcoming career fairs

Faculty & Staff
- Looking to hire students within your GBC department? Easily log in using your current GBC Single Sign On credential to post on-campus jobs for students
Ready to explore GBCareers?
Industry Partners: Interested in Hosting a Student?
Work-integrated learning (WIL) comes in a variety of forms including internship, externship, coop, practicum, and field placement. Connect directly with GBC’s WIL team for more information on how to host a student for a co-op/internship/placement opportunity.

GBCareers FAQ
External Employers
I am an external employer; how can I post a job opportunity for students/graduates?
GBCareers is our free self-service job posting platform to support in your recruitment efforts. Prior to posting, you will need to create an Employer account. Please visit GBCareers Create Employer Account to register an account. Our team will work with you to approve your Employer account and job posting in a timely manner.
I am personally looking to hire a personal support worker (PSW) for myself or family member. Can I post indicating I am looking for a PSW?
Yes. You can post a job for a PSW via our GBCareers platform. Please, go to GBCareers Create Employer Account to register an account. For Organization you can either enter your family’s name as a household, or simply type “Private Family”. Please note, when hiring a personal support worker, it is up to you to ensure they are certified. You may want to consider reaching out to caregiving agencies and partners as well. Visit the Ontario Personal Support Workers of Ontario (OPSWA)’s website for more information.
What is Experiential Learning and Work Integrated Learning (WIL)?
Experiential Learning in an umbrella term used to cover all of the opportunities available to students to take part in sector-specific learning experiences. These opportunities can take place in a variety of settings including workplaces, simulation facilities, labs, shops, and studios in both educational, workplace and practice environments. They are a chance for students to experience their field or industry and learn what’s expected of them before graduating. Please visit our Experiential Learning and Work Integrated Learning page for more information.
I am interested in posting a Work Integrated Learning (WIL = co-op, internship, externship, practicum, placement) opportunity. Who should I reach out to for support and/or how do I find out more information on next steps?
Each academic School at GBC has a different process in place to support with WIL opportunities. Please, visit our GBCareers Contact Us page to connect with the right WIL department. Still don’t know who to connect with, reach out to our WIL team by email at
I am interested in hosting a student for a WIL opportunity. How do I access and/or get more information about the Experiential Learning tax receipt/documentation?
Please, visit our GBCareers Contact Us page to connect with the right WIL department. Still don’t know who to connect with, reach out to our WIL team by email at
My organization is interested in partnering with GBC on a Research Project. Who should I reach out to?
Please visit our Research and Innovation at George Brown College page for more information
I am an employer outside of Canada, can I still hire grads/students?
Depending on the opportunity, there are different processes in place for organizations outside of Canada looking to hire GBC grads/students. Please visit our Opportunities to Study or Work Abroad page for more information.
I have a job opportunity currently posted and live on the GBCareers job postings platform. How do I update/change specific posting details?
To support the integrity of our online job board, once the job posting is approved and live, no edits are permitted. If you’d like to make changes, reach out to Carlos Santos, (Career Services) Employer and Systems Specialist at
I have an employer account on GBCareers. I want to update/change information on my account and/or I’m having trouble accessing my account.
Please contact Carlos Santos, (Career Services) Employer and Systems Specialist at
Students & Alumni
I am a student looking for information regarding Work Integrated Learning / Experiential Learning
Each academic School at GBC has a different process in place to support students with finding and securing WIL opportunities. Please, contact your program coordinator or visit Experiential Learning at George Brown College
I am a student/alumni looking to change my personal information on my GBC (George Brown College) profile
Please visit Ask George Brown page for information regarding your personal details
I am an alumni and I’m having trouble accessing the GBCareers platform.
If you recently graduated from your program (less than 1year since graduation), you can log in using your Stu-View credentials via the ‘Students/Recent Grads’ page.
I am a student/alumni wanting to book a 1:1 appointment with a Career Advisor
Please log into your GBCareers account to book an appointment. For students and recent grads (less than 1yr since graduation), please use your Stu-view login credentials. For older grads, please create an alumni account. Once logged in, click the ‘Career Services’ tab on the left-hand side of the dashboard, followed by ‘Career Advising’.
I am a student/grad having difficulties booking a career advising appointment, who can help me?
Please contact us directly at for assistance.
I am interested in finding study/work abroad opportunities. Who should I reach out to?
Please visit our Opportunities to Study or Work Abroad page for more information.
I am a student, what is Experiential Learning and Work Integrated Learning (WIL)? Can I seek out WIL opportunities even though my program doesn’t offer it?
Find out more about what WIL entails and the correct processes students should follow as it relates to seeking/finding out about WIL opportunities? Visit our Experiential Learning and Work Integrated Learning page for more information
I want to work at GBC as a full-time /part-time professional staff member. Where can I find GBC job postings?
To access GBC employment opportunities, please visit our Employment at George Brown College page for opportunities. For student-jobs, please visit
Is GBCareers the same as Career Services?
No. GBCareers is an online job portal platform that supports GBC students and alumni to further develop their careers. Career Services is the department that operates the platform.
What assistance can I get from Career Services?
Please visit our Student & Alumni page for more information about our tools, resources, and supports available to students and grads.
Staff & Faculty
I am a current GBC employee. How can I post a job opportunity for students?
GBCareers is our free self-service job posting platform to support your student hiring efforts. To activate your recruitment account, connect with Lacey Fontaine, On-Campus Employer and Career Services Coordinator at and review the On-Campus Employer GBCareers Guide for posting student jobs.
I have a job opportunity currently posted and live on the GBCareers job postings platform. How do I update/change specific posting details?
To support the integrity of our online job board, once the job posting is approved and live, no edits are permitted. If you’d like to make changes, reach out to Lacey Fontaine, On-Campus Employer and Career Services Coordinator at
I work at GBC and am not looking to hire just students, but a part-time or full-time staff member. Should I post on GBCareers?
No. If you are looking to hire a professional staff member to join your team, you should be consulting with your Talent Acquisition Specialist. Reach out to your manager for further information on how to post general employment opportunities.
I’m looking to hire a student but it’s remote. Will that be considered an ‘on-campus job’?
Yes. Regardless of whether a student position is working physically on-campus or remote, this still falls under the ‘on-campus’ category of student employment.
I want to hire students to support in my department but I don’t know where to start. What’s the process and what do I need to know?
Prior to posting an opportunity, there are several processes that need to be followed, such as budget approvals, hiring, training, and general student supervision. Review the Student Employment Guidelines and reach out to your HR consultant for further information. Once you have everything ironed out, it’s recommended you create a job posting entailing details of the opportunity. Should you have any challenges, reach out to Lacey Fontaine, On-Campus Employer and Career Services Coordinator at
As a staff member, could I book an appointment with a Career Advisor?
This depends. Career Advisors are meant to support GBC students and grads only. If you are not a currently enrolled student (primarily), you will not be able to access appointment bookings with a Career Advisor.
However, if you are a graduate of GBC and currently work at the College as a staff member, you can receive support as a grad. However, you will need to log into GBCareers and create an alumni account. You cannot book appointments using your staff/faculty account.
Email us at or drop by one of our locations.