Business Administration – Supply Chain and Operations Management Program (B122)
Program Description
Program Overview
In the Business Administration – Supply Chain and Operations Management three-year advanced diploma program, you’ll learn how to perform a variety of essential functions, including marketing forecasting, demand management and production planning. Whether you’re interested in logistics, transportation, warehousing, exporting or planning and forecasting, we’ll give you the skills you need to succeed.
Full Description
With the Business Administration – Supply Chain and Operations Management three-year advanced diploma program, our supply chain and operations management courses will equip you with the expertise to excel not only in business but also specifically in supply chain jobs. By the time you graduate, you'll be well-prepared to tackle any challenge that comes your way in this exciting and evolving field.
Graduating from this program can lead to a variety of career options in the supply chain management and logistics sector. You could become a procurement officer, customs analyst, forecasting and demand specialist, logistics analyst, supply chain specialist, or purchasing agent for materials management in various types of organizations, such as government agencies, transportation companies, manufacturers, and more.
Here are some skills you’ll be able to show off after completion of the Business Administration – Supply Chain and Operations Management advanced diploma program:
- Evaluating the impact of a company’s supply chain initiatives on its human resources strategies and policies
- Ensuring compliance with laws, regulations, safety requirements, and professional standards
- Applying knowledge of logistics, purchasing, distribution, transportation, and warehousing to manage an integrated supply chain
- Interpreting financial documents and assessing financial strategies to support the supply chain
This Centre for Business program is part of our School of Management.
See how the supply chain management industry drives Canadian commerce with a variety of exciting and rewarding careers in this video by the Canadian Supply Chain Sector Council.
1 Supply Chain Canada – Who We Are
Earn Your College Credential from a Business School Accredited by ACBSP
Fourteen programs at the Centre for Business have earned international recognition from the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP). Advanced diploma and diploma programs at the Schools of Accounting and Finance, Human Resources, Management, and Marketing and the Honours Bachelor of Commerce (Financial Services) program at the School of Accounting and Finance have ACBSP accreditation. George Brown is now one of only two colleges in Ontario to have earned ACBSP accreditation.
Your Field Education Options
This program (B122) is also offered with work experience. Students who wish to apply for Business Administration – Supply Chain and Operations Management with Work Experience should apply to B162.
In addition to on-the-job work experience, George Brown College endeavours to provide field education opportunities with real-world challenges and clients. Find out more about field education at the Centre for Business.
Career & Postgraduate Study Opportunities
Educational Pathways
For information on future study options, see our transfer guide.
The Centre for Business at George Brown College has partnered with the National Institute of Supply Chain Leaders (formerly SCMAO) to allow students of the Business Administration – Supply Chain and Operations Management program a fast track into the Certified Supply Chain Leader (CSCL) Designation program –Canada’s leading designation for supply chain professionals looking to advance their careers. Learn more about how you can get a head-start on this program and join a community of 1,500+ CSCMP designation holders across the country who are driving the supply chain ecosystem. Learn more about NISCL.
Alumni Impact
We are immensely proud of the contributions of our alumni in Toronto and around the globe.
From Michelin-starred restaurants to major construction, entertainment, community and financial organizations, our graduates are truly making an impact across a range of industries.
Latest alumni stories
Required Courses
In order to graduate from the B122 program, you need to complete 37 courses: 34 mandatory courses and 3 general education electives.
Depending on the results of your placement tests, you may be required to take COMM 1000 Introduction to College Communication before progressing to COMM 2000. Similarly, you may be required to take MATH 1027 Business Math with Remediation before progressing to MATH 1008. COMM 1000 and MATH 1027 do not count toward the 37 courses required for graduation, and you will be charged for these extra courses. Please speak to the Business Office staff if you need any assistance.
General Education Courses (semesters 4, 5 and 6): You must complete three general education courses from at least two of the following categories: Social Sciences (GSSC), Arts and Humanities (GHUM) or Science and Technology (GSCI).
You are required to make up any failed or dropped courses before you are eligible to graduate. You can make up these classes during the day, and some are offered in the evening through Continuing Education. Please check with the business office staff to ensure that the Continuing Education courses are equivalent to what is taught in the full-time program. Please note that some courses may not be offered in every semester. Our staff can assist you in any special timetable requirements you may have.
BUS 1038 | Business Concepts I |
COMM 2000 | Communicating Across Contexts |
COMP 1010 | Business Computer Applications I |
MARK 1020 | Principles of Marketing I |
MATH 1008 | Math for Business & Management I |
MGMT 1049 | Supply Chain Management I |
BUS 1040 | Project Management |
COMM 1034 | Professional Communications I |
COMP 1115 | Business Computer Applications II |
ECON 1031 | Microeconomics |
MATH 1095 | Math for Business & Management II |
MGMT 4009 | Operations Management |
ACCT1036 | Principles of Accounting |
BUS 1044 | Business Law |
ECON 1032 | Macroeconomics |
MGMT 2049 | Supply Chain Management II |
PSY 1129 | Organizational Behaviour |
STAT 1012 | Business Statistics |
ACCT 2031 | Managerial Accounting |
COMP 2157 | Comp. Appl. Involving Analytics |
HRM 1008 | Fundamentals of HR Management |
MGMT 2051 | Transportation and Warehousing |
MGMT 3015 | Quality Improvement Lean/Six Sigma |
STS 1037 | Career Planning & Development |
GNED | General Education Elective |
BUS 1041 | Small Business Management |
MGMT 1020 | Management Decision-Making |
MGMT 1035 | Global Trade Assessment |
MGMT 3025 | Procurement |
MGMT 3049 | Supply Chain Management III |
GNED | General Education Elective |
CMMK 1087 | Human Skills |
MGMT 1030 | Enterprise Resource Planning |
MGMT 3006 | Strategic Analysis |
MGMT 3027 | Integrative Supply Chain Management |
MGMT 3037 | Supply Chain and Technology |
GNED | General Education Elective |
Program Learning Outcomes
The graduate demonstrates the ability to:
- Examine the connections between strategic objectives, stakeholder expectations, and supply chain functions, processes and roles to support decision-making, problem-solving and coordination of tasks.
- Determine the value added and financial implications of supply chain decisions on overall business profitability, efficiency and stakeholder satisfaction.
- Ensure supply chain activities and transactions are compliant with relevant legal, regulatory and contractual obligations, and industry and organization standards and policies for quality, health, safety, accountability, social and environmental responsibility.
- Use risk mitigation tools and strategies to inform supply chain management decisions.
- Manage the acquisition and sale of goods, services and materials in accordance with best practices and public and private sector stakeholder expectations across a variety of industries.
- Plan and schedule material requirements and resource allocation and manage inventories for efficient production and fulfillment of customer orders and returns.
- Manage the efficient handling and movement of goods, services, materials and related information within and between supply chains.
- Contribute to the identification and management of continuous improvements to functions and processes within and between supply chains.
- Use available technologies to enhance work performance and support supply chain functions, processes, transactions and communications.
- Monitor relevant trends, emerging technologies, and local and global economic, political and environmental issues to enhance work performance and guide management decisions.
- Perform tasks in accordance with policies and procedures for workplace health and safety and industry standards and best practices for professional, ethical and accountable conduct and communications.
- Maintain relationships with a diversity of stakeholders to support the achievement of business goals.
- Apply strategies for personal, career and professional development.
Tuition & Fees
Domestic Tuition
International Tuition
Additional Costs
*Amounts listed are the estimated total of tuition, materials, student service and ancillary fees for the first two semesters of programs starting in Fall 2024. Fees are subject to change for programs starting in Fall 2025 and at later dates.
**Amounts listed are the estimated total of tuition, materials, student service and ancillary fees for the first two semesters of programs starting in Fall 2025. Tuition fees are subject to board approval. Material, student service and ancillary fees are estimated based on prior years. All fees are subject to change without notice.
International Students
Visit the International Fees and Related Costs page for more information.
Financial Assistance
Each year we award over $2 million dollars in scholarships, awards and bursaries to first-year students. Check out our financial aid web pages for ways to pay for college and the full list of available scholarships, awards and bursaries.
This program is approved for OSAP funding, provided the applicant meets OSAP eligibility criteria.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this website is subject to change without notice. It should not be viewed as a representation, offer or warranty. Students are responsible for verifying George Brown College fee requirements.
Admission Requirements
Applicants are selected on the basis of their academic achievement, including the required courses and any other selection criteria outlined below.
- Ontario Secondary School Diploma or equivalent**
- grade 12 English (C or U)
- grade 11 Math (C, M or U) or grade 12 (C or U)
** Mature Student Status (19 years of age or older)
Mature students may take the Admissions Assessment for English and Math, OR may consider upgrading to achieve the credit(s) needed in English and Math.
Please note that George Brown is committed to ensuring that applicants will succeed in their program of choice and meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission to the program. Applicants may be required to have grades higher than the minimum requirements stated.
Some college and university credits may qualify you for exemptions. Please visit our Transfer guide for more information.
Proficiency in English communications is necessary for success in this program. Please review our English proficiency requirements.
International Students
Visit the International Admissions page for more information regarding country specific admission requirements.
How to Apply
Domestic students should apply through Ontario Colleges.
International Students
Visit the How to Apply page for more information on how and when to apply.
International students should apply through the George Brown College Online Application System.
Contact Us
Information Sessions
Information sessions are held on a regular basis. Come and have your questions answered. Learn about the program content and career options, meet your friendly professors and staff, and experience what it is like to be in a George Brown College classroom. Sign up for an upcoming session.
Domestic Student Admissions
For inquiries about domestic admission requirements, admission deadlines, or the admissions process, please contact the Admissions Office at or visit the Admissions section.
International Student Admissions
Contact one of our international recruitment representatives specializing by country of origin by either booking a virtual meeting or submitting an inquiry. For more information visit the International Contact Us page.
Fees and Financial Information
For inquiries about OSAP, Bursaries, Scholarships and other financial inquiries, please contact the Financial Aid Office at or visit the Financial Aid section.
Entry Advising
For advice on the various program options and which program might be best suited for you, make an appointment to see an Entry Advisor. Please review these frequently asked questions.
Centre for Business
For questions regarding programs at the Centre for Business or if you require more information, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our knowledgeable staff are available to assist you.
For general inquiries, please contact the Centre for Business:
Phone: (416) 415-5000 ext. 2160
Business Administration – Supply Chain and Operations Management (B122)
For inquiries related to this program (for example, course-specific information) please contact the co-ordinator:
Robert Ruggieri, Program Co-ordinator
For general inquiries, please contact the Centre for Business:
Phone: (416) 415-5000 ext. 2160
Contact one of our international recruitment representatives specializing by country of origin by either booking a virtual meeting or submitting an inquiry. For more information visit the International Contact Us page
Visit Our Campus
This program is offered out of our School of Management and classes usually take place at our St. James Campus.
Campus tours are offered on a regular basis. Sign up today! You can also check out our virtual tour.
Social Channels:
Business Administration – Supply Chain and Operations Management Program (B122)
Program Description
Program Overview
In the Business Administration – Supply Chain and Operations Management three-year advanced diploma program, you'll learn how to perform a variety of essential functions, including marketing forecasting, demand management, and production planning. Whether you're interested in logistics, transportation, warehousing, exporting, or planning and forecasting, we'll give you the skills you need to succeed.
Full Description
With the Business Administration – Supply Chain and Operations Management three-year advanced diploma program, our supply chain and operations management courses will equip you with the expertise to excel not only in business but also specifically in supply chain jobs. By the time you graduate, you'll be well-prepared to tackle any challenge that comes your way in this exciting and evolving field.
Graduating from this program can lead to a variety of career options in the supply chain management and logistics sector. You could become a procurement officer, customs analyst, forecasting and demand specialist, logistics analyst, supply chain specialist, or purchasing agent for materials management in various types of organizations, such as government agencies, transportation companies, manufacturers, and more.
Here are some skills you’ll be able to show off after completion of the Business Administration – Supply Chain and Operations Management advanced diploma program:
- Evaluating the impact of a company’s supply chain initiatives on its human resources strategies and policies
- Ensuring compliance with laws, regulations, safety requirements, and professional standards
- Applying knowledge of logistics, purchasing, distribution, transportation, and warehousing to manage an integrated supply chain
- Interpreting financial documents and assessing financial strategies to support the supply chain
This Centre for Business program is part of our School of Management.
See how the supply chain management industry drives Canadian commerce with a variety of exciting and rewarding careers in this video by the Canadian Supply Chain Sector Council.
1 Supply Chain Canada – Who We Are
Earn Your College Credential from a Business School Accredited by ACBSP
Fourteen programs at the Centre for Business have earned international recognition from the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP). Advanced diploma and diploma programs at the Schools of Accounting and Finance, Human Resources, Management, and Marketing and the Honours Bachelor of Commerce (Financial Services) program at the School of Accounting and Finance have ACBSP accreditation. George Brown is now one of only two colleges in Ontario to have earned ACBSP accreditation.
Your Field Education Options
This program (B122) is also offered with work experience. Students who wish to apply for Business Administration – Supply Chain and Operations Management with Work Experience should apply to B162.
In addition to on-the-job work experience, George Brown College endeavours to provide field education opportunities with real-world challenges and clients. Find out more about field education at the Centre for Business.
Career & Postgraduate Study Opportunities
Educational Pathways
The Centre for Business at George Brown College has partnered with SCMAO (Supply Chain Management Association Ontario) to allow students of the Business Administration – Supply Chain and Operations Management program a fast track into the CSCMP (Certified Supply Chain Management Professional) Designation program—Canada’s leading designation for supply chain professionals looking to advance their careers. Learn more about how you can get a head-start on this program and join a community of 1,500+ CSCMP designation holders across the country who are driving the supply chain ecosystem. Learn more about SCMAO.
For further information on future study options, see our Transfer guide.
Alumni Impact
We are immensely proud of the contributions of our alumni in Toronto and around the globe.
From Michelin-starred restaurants to major construction, entertainment, community and financial organizations, our graduates are truly making an impact across a range of industries.
Latest alumni stories
Required Courses
In order to graduate from the B122 program, you need to complete 37 courses: 34 mandatory courses and 3 general education electives.
Depending on the results of your placement tests, you may be required to take COMM 1000 (Introduction to College Communication) before progressing to COMM 2000. Similarly, you may be required to take MATH 1027 (Business Math with Remediation) before progressing to MATH 1008. COMM 1000 and MATH 1027 do not count toward the 37 courses required for graduation, and you will be charged for these extra courses. Please speak to the Business Office staff if you need any assistance.
General Education Courses (semesters 4, 5 and 6): You must complete three general education courses from at least two of the following categories: Social Sciences (GSSC), Arts and Humanities (GHUM) or Science and Technology (GSCI).
You are required to make up any failed or dropped courses before you are eligible to graduate. You can make up these classes during the day, and some are offered in the evening through Continuing Education. Please check with the business office staff to ensure that the Continuing Education courses are equivalent to what is taught in the full-time program. Please note that some courses may not be offered in every semester. Our staff can assist you in any special timetable requirements you may have.
BUS 1038 | Business Concepts I | NONE |
COMM 2000 | Communicating Across Contexts | NONE |
COMP 1010 | Business Computer Applications I | NONE |
MGMT 1049 | Supply Chain Management I | NONE |
MARK 1020 | Principles of Marketing I | NONE |
MATH 1008 | Math for Business & Management I | NONE |
ECON 1031 | Microeconomics | NONE |
BUS 1040 | Project Management | NONE |
COMM 1034 | Professional Communications I | COMM 2000 |
COMP 1115 | Business Computer Applications II | COMP 1010 |
MATH 1095 | Math for Business & Management II | MATH 1008 |
MGMT 4009 | Operations Management | MATH 1008 |
ACCT 1036 | Principles of Accounting | NONE |
MGMT 2049 | Supply Chain Management II | MGMT 4009 & COMP 1115 |
PSY 1129 | Organizational Behaviour | NONE |
STAT 1012 | Business Statistics | MATH 1095 |
BUS 1044 | Business Law | NONE |
ECON 1032 | Macroeconomics | NONE |
ACCT 2031 | Managerial Accounting | ACCT 1036 |
COMP 2157 | Comp. Appl. Involving Analytics | COMP 1115 |
HRM 1008 | Fundamentals of HR Management | NONE |
MGMT 2051 | Transportation and Warehousing | MGMT 2049 |
MGMT 3015 | Quality Improvement Lean/Six Sigma | NONE |
STS 1037 | Career Planning & Development | NONE |
Select One General Education Elective |
MGMT 1035 | Global Trade Assessment | MARK 1020 |
MGMT 1020 | Management Decision-Making | MGMT 4009 & ACCT 2031 |
MGMT 3049 | Supply Chain Management III | MGMT 2049 & COMP2157 |
BUS 1041 | Small Business Management | BUS 1038 |
MGMT 3025 | Procurement | MGMT 2049 & BUS 1044 |
Select One General Education Elective |
MGMT 3027 | Integrative Supply Chain Management | MGMT 3049 |
MGMT 1030 | Enterprise Resource Planning | MGMT 2049 |
MGMT 3006 | Strategic Analysis | MGMT 1020 & COMM 1034 |
CMMK 1087 | Human Skills | NONE |
MGMT 3037 | Supply Chain and Technology | MGMT 3049 & MGMT 1020 |
Select One General Education Elective |
Program Learning Outcomes
The graduate demonstrates the ability to:
- Examine the connections between strategic objectives, stakeholder expectations, and supply chain functions, processes and roles to support decision-making, problem-solving and coordination of tasks.
- Determine the value added and financial implications of supply chain decisions on overall business profitability, efficiency and stakeholder satisfaction.
- Ensure supply chain activities and transactions are compliant with relevant legal, regulatory and contractual obligations, and industry and organization standards and policies for quality, health, safety, accountability, social and environmental responsibility.
- Use risk mitigation tools and strategies to inform supply chain management decisions.
- Manage the acquisition and sale of goods, services and materials in accordance with best practices and public and private sector stakeholder expectations across a variety of industries.
- Plan and schedule material requirements and resource allocation and manage inventories for efficient production and fulfillment of customer orders and returns.
- Manage the efficient handling and movement of goods, services, materials and related information within and between supply chains.
- Contribute to the identification and management of continuous improvements to functions and processes within and between supply chains.
- Use available technologies to enhance work performance and support supply chain functions, processes, transactions and communications.
- Monitor relevant trends, emerging technologies, and local and global economic, political and environmental issues to enhance work performance and guide management decisions.
- Perform tasks in accordance with policies and procedures for workplace health and safety and industry standards and best practices for professional, ethical and accountable conduct and communications.
- Maintain relationships with a diversity of stakeholders to support the achievement of business goals.
- Apply strategies for personal, career and professional development.
Tuition & Fees
Domestic Tuition
International Tuition
Additional Costs
*Amounts listed are the estimated total of tuition, materials, student service and ancillary fees for the first two semesters of programs starting in Fall 2023. Fees are subject to change for programs starting in Fall 2024 and at later dates. This fee does not include books, which are to be purchased by the student separately.
** Amounts listed are the estimated total of tuition, materials, student service and ancillary fees for the first two semesters of programs starting in Fall 2024. Tuition fees are subject to board approval. Material, student service and ancillary fees are estimated based on prior years. All fees are subject to change without notice. This fee does not include books, which are to be purchased by the student separately.
International Students
Visit the International Fees and Related Costs page for more information.
Financial Assistance
Each year we award over $2 million dollars in scholarships, awards and bursaries to first-year students. Check out our financial aid webpages for ways to pay for college and the full list of available scholarships, awards and bursaries.
This program is approved for OSAP funding, provided the applicant meets OSAP eligibility criteria.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this website is subject to change without notice. It should not be viewed as a representation, offer or warranty. Students are responsible for verifying George Brown College fee requirements.
Admission Requirements
Applicants are selected on the basis of their academic achievement, including the required courses and any other selection criteria outlined below.
- Ontario Secondary School Diploma or equivalent**
- grade 12 English (C or U)
- grade 11 Math (C, M or U) or grade 12 (C or U)
** Mature Student Status (19 years of age or older)
Mature students may take the Admissions Assessment for English and Math, OR may consider upgrading to achieve the credit(s) needed in English and Math.
Please note that George Brown is committed to ensuring that applicants will succeed in their program of choice and meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission to the program. Applicants may be required to have grades higher than the minimum requirements stated.
Some college and university credits may qualify you for exemptions. Please visit our Transfer guide for more information.
Proficiency in English communications is necessary for success in this program. Please review our English proficiency requirements.
International Students
Visit the International Admissions page for more information regarding country specific admission requirements.
How to Apply
Domestic students should apply through Ontario Colleges.
International Students
Visit the How to Apply page for more information on how and when to apply.
International students should apply through the George Brown College Online Application System.
Contact Us
Information Sessions
Information sessions are held on a regular basis. Come and have your questions answered. Learn about the program content and career options, meet your friendly professors and staff, and experience what it is like to be in a George Brown College classroom. Sign up for an upcoming session.
Domestic Student Admissions
For inquiries about domestic admission requirements, admission deadlines, or the admissions process, please contact the Admissions Office at or visit the Admissions section.
International Student Admissions
Contact one of our international recruitment representatives specializing by country of origin by either booking a virtual meeting or submitting an inquiry. For more information visit the International Contact Us page.
Fees and Financial Information
For inquiries about OSAP, Bursaries, Scholarships and other financial inquiries, please contact the Financial Aid Office at or visit the Financial Aid section.
Entry Advising
For advice on the various program options and which program might be best suited for you, make an appointment to see an Entry Advisor. Please review these frequently asked questions.
Centre for Business
For questions regarding programs at the Centre for Business or if you require more information, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our knowledgeable staff are available to assist you.
For general inquiries, please contact the Centre for Business:
Phone: (416) 415-5000 ext. 2160
Business Administration – Supply Chain and Operations Management (B122)
For inquiries related to this program (for example, course-specific information) please contact the co-ordinator:
Robert Ruggieri, Program Co-ordinator
For general inquiries, please contact the Centre for Business:
Phone: (416) 415-5000 ext. 2160
Contact one of our international recruitment representatives specializing by country of origin by either booking a virtual meeting or submitting an inquiry. For more information visit the International Contact Us page
Visit Our Campus
This program is offered out of our School of Management and classes usually take place at our St. James Campus, mainly at 200 King St. E., and 290 Adelaide St. E., Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Campus tours are offered on a regular basis. Sign up today! You can also check out our virtual tour.