Launch Your Own Business with the Summer Company Program

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By Courtney Barr
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Are you a student with a great business idea?

Are you a current student taking the summer semester off and returning in the fall? Would you like to start your own business? Then consider the Summer Company Program funded by the Ontario government. This program helps young entrepreneurs between the ages of 15 and 29 start and run their own businesses during the summer. Delivered by Small Business Enterprise Centres across Ontario, the program provides financial support, mentorship, and hands-on business training.

What the Program Offers

If you’re accepted into the program, you’ll receive:

  • an award of up to $3,000
  • a first payment of up to $1,500 for start-up costs
  • a second payment of up to $1,500 once you’ve successfully completed the program
  • hands-on coaching
  • mentoring from business leaders in your community 

Who Can Apply?

  • A Student aged 15-29 returning to school in the fall
  • A resident of Ontario and a Canadian citizen or permanent resident
  • Committed to working 280+ hours (high school students) or 420+ hours (post-secondary students) over the summer
  • Not working more than 12 hours per week elsewhere during the program

How to Apply

  • The program is available through Small Business Enterprise Centres across Ontario, including in Toronto, Mississauga, Brampton, Ottawa, and other cities.

Applications Currently Open!