Women forge change in welding and Skilled Trades

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Female welders at George Brown College challenge industry norms with an inspiring art installation to kick off the new academic year. Featured on CityNews, their "Promise Lock" sign showcases their skills and serves as a beacon for women considering careers in skilled trades.

Female Welders Break Barriers and Spark Change Through Art

In a field traditionally dominated by men, a group of talented female welders here at George Brown College are challenging stereotypes and inspiring change. Their recent art installation at GBC’s Fall orientation week events, featured on CityNews, aims to ignite interest in welding among women and highlight the growing diversity in the booming skilled trades.

Forging a New Path

The team, consisting of current students Hailey Roseland-Barnes and Cassie Zinga, full-time welding technician Asia Taylor, and alumna and lab technologist Lilly Lazare-Greene, collaborated to create the "Promise Lock" sign. This striking symbol of commitment and optimism set a hopeful tone for the beginning of a new academic term.

The project, supported by John-Allen Ellington and Dr. Adel Esayed, dean of the Construction and Engineering Technologies, showcases the skill and creativity of these female welders. Their work demonstrates technical prowess and serves as a powerful statement about women's capabilities in the trades.

Looking to the Future

As these trailblazers continue to break barriers, their art installation stands as a testament to the changing face of welding. It's a call to action for more women to consider careers in skilled trades, promising a future where gender diversity is the norm, not the exception.

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Explore Skilled Trades Programs at George Brown College