Entrepreneur in Residence Program

Main Content
By Tom Davies

Entrepreneur in Residence – October 1 to November 22, 2024

The Toronto Public Library (TPL) is looking for an experienced entrepreneur to lead programs and conduct one-on-one consultations with aspiring entrepreneurs.

  • 14 Hours/ week + flexible schedule
  • The selected Entrepreneur in Residence will receive $8000

The residency is an eight (8) week position which requires approximately 14 hours per week for: creating and delivering weekly programs for the public (including a networking-focused session), reviewing submitted business ideas and business plans from the public, meeting one-on-one with entrepreneurs to evaluate their business plans, and other activities as agreed. The format will be in person with an option for some online service delivery. The residency is part of TPL’s celebration of Small Business Month.

While planning this residency, The EIR should use an equity lens to support inclusion of Indigenous communities and equity-deserving groups 1 and/or vulnerable populations . Toronto Public Library (TPL) invites applicants with experience working with equity-deserving groups to fill the role of TPL’s 2024 Entrepreneur in Residence (EIR).

Apply by July 19th, 2024