startGBC Announces the Launch of Pitch It GBC! 2023 Competition
PITCH IT GBC! is accepting applications from any George Brown College student or recent graduate, who attended an academic program between September 2022 and November 2023, with an active email account, and who is looking for seed funding to support the creation of for-profit businesses and social innovation organizations. Submission for uploads must be completed by 4:00 p.m., Tuesday, October 24, 2023.
The PITCH IT GBC! competition is designed to provide seed funding to support aspiring entrepreneurs in developing and pitching their business/social innovation ideas. Participants have an opportunity to win a portion of the $12,000 prize fund. Two streams of the PITCH IT GBC! competition will occur simultaneously:
- Stream 1: For-profit business and
- Stream 2: Social Innovation Enterprises
Social Innovation enterprises can include not-for-profit or for-profit entities. In addition, for-profit businesses can apply for both streams if their product offering covers social innovation. Applications can be submitted by solo entrepreneurs or multi-founder teams. Prizes will be awarded once per business/social innovation pitch and not per team member.