Are you looking for a part-time job during the school year? Finding a job with the college can make the process of juggling school and work a little bit easier.
If you want to work at George Brown, there are lots of options. We hire students to be peer coaches, tutors, research assistants and other positions, and the Student Association also offers employment opportunities.
If you’re looking for a job with the college, you’ll want to put GBCareers in your favourites. Most part-time college jobs for students are posted there. Sign in, click 'search postings' and then select 'on campus jobs'.
Available GBC student jobs & how to apply
Applied research assistant
Students can apply for applied research assistant jobs. These positions are a great way to earn extra money and gain experience solving real-world problems.
Applied research projects happen at the college all year. If you want to get involved, reach out to a faculty member in your division who’s involved in research.
Athletics and Recreation
Students can apply for a variety of positions available with Athletics and Recreation that include Athletic Centre student ambassadors, varsity team equipment assistants, varsity event staff, campus recreation student ambassadors, and graphic designers.
Interested students are encouraged to apply for positions in August and can visit the Athletics and Recreation Employment Opportunities page for details.
Peer coach
Peer coaches run workshops, lead events and activities and provide guidance for students in learning techniques, time management and wellness at Peer Mentor +.
Applicants must have completed at least one semester of study to be considered for the position.
Peer Mentor + will accept applications at any time. You can also check GBCareers for job listings.
Tutor and Peer Leader
The Tutoring and Learning Centres (TLC) hire English and math tutors. Applicants must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher.
Learn more about the requirements to become a tutor.
TLC will accept applications at any time. Submit your application to become a tutor.
Student Association of George Brown College (SA)
The Student Association (SA) hires for a range of part-time positions. You can find these listings on the SA website and on GBCareers.
Student Success
The Student Success team hires students to help with events like orientation and to work on other projects related to student engagement.
These positions are posted on GBCareers. If you’re looking for a position starting in the fall, check for job listings and prepare to submit your resume in August. Job postings are also highlighted on the Student Life Instagram account, @gbc.studentlife.
Work Study program
Students in financial need can apply for part-time employment in various departments at the college for up to 15 hours per week through the Work Study program. This program is available to full-time domestic students only. Most positions are posted on GBCareers. Students can also reach out to their program coordinator or faculty to find out if Work Study positions are available in their academic area.