How to report Phishing/Junk emails

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Report Phishing / Suspected Phishing

You can report phishing/suspected phishing as well as junk emails from within Outlook without creating an incident ticket in Helix. Doing so will send a notification to Microsoft and Cybersecurity simultaneously. Please follow the steps below: 

  • Click the “Report Message” button, click “Phishing”, and click “Report”. If it is a Junk mail, click “Junk” instead.
A screenshot of the menu in Outlook
A screenshot of the phishing reporting button in Outlook

Phishing emails are designed to obtain your personal information to steal from you. This is done by impersonating popular websites or including malicious links in the body of a message.

Outlook will prompt you to Report the message:

Outlook's option to report a phishing email

If you have any questions, please contact or contact the Help Desk at 416-415-5000 ext. 4357. Thank you for your ongoing diligence and cooperation.