Together, we can create something amazing by providing students with the financial support they need to succeed.
100% of your gift will go towards providing emergency funding to George Brown College students in any program who face financial struggles.
What will your gift support?
- Emergency Bursaries: Students faced with sudden and unexpected financial difficulty are eligible to apply for emergency bursaries. These help students make ends meet during tough times, so no student is forced to choose between paying their tuition and buying food.
- Crown Wards: Students (under 26 who are currently or previously in foster care) face a unique set of financial barriers to education. Your gift will support bursaries for these marginalized young people.
- Sole-Support Parents: Your gift will help students who are the sole financial support for their children. It will empower single-parents to gain the employment skills they need to build a better life for themselves and their family.
- International Students: George Brown is proud to have students join us from around the world. Many of these students, however, struggle with the financial burden of living and studying in Canada, and most are ineligible for student aid and excluded from many employment opportunities due to visa restrictions.
Why give to the George Brown College Foundation?
The George Brown College Foundation is a registered charity whose mission is to support student success at the college. Every dollar you donate goes directly to the cause.
You will automatically receive a tax receipt for every gift you make to the Foundation.