Anna Bartosik’s unique role at George Brown as a Professor/Instructional Designer positions her to continue her innovative work: applying inclusive design-based approaches to English language teaching/learning, teacher education, faculty development, curriculum design, and online learning.
Anna’s teaching experience includes English for Academic Purposes, language teacher education, digital citizenship, and instructional design. Her instructional/curriculum design experience spans across English language courses, continuing education, teacher development, health sciences, coding, and marketing/sales.
While working on her Instructional Design Certificate, Anna completed her Master of Arts in Languages and Literacies. Her thesis examined international students’ perceptions of their academic preparedness in college programs. Her doctoral dissertation focused on self-directed teacher development in digital spaces; she used a mixed methods approach to data collection and analysis which included a netnographic methodology and social network analysis. Her post-graduate interests have included artificial intelligence and its role in teaching and learning, learner autonomy, and tech ethics.
Anna Bartosik enjoys working in partnership with faculty, students, and colleagues across the college to create iterative and productive spaces for sharing, learning, and researching in a changing global education landscape.
Academic Credentials
- PhD, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at The University of Toronto
- MA, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at The University of Toronto
- Instructional Design Certificate, Athabasca University
- Teaching English as a Second Language Certificate, Woodsworth College at The University of Toronto
Areas of Specialization
- curriculum development
- development, delivery, and coordination of professional development
- English language teaching and learning
- faculty development
- instructional design
- teaching methodologies
- online education and teaching
- project management
- technology-enhanced learning
- institutional support for teaching and learning.
Areas of Expertise
- academic integrity
- alternative assessments
- andragogy
- educational technology
- faculty development
- institutional learning and development
- instructional design
- learner autonomy
- outcomes-based learning
- teaching practices
- tech ethics
Career Highlights
- 2022 – present – Teaching and Learning Exchange Associate, George Brown College
- 2019 – present – Professor and Instructional Designer, Centre for Preparatory and Liberal Studies, George Brown College
- 2018 – 2019 – Curriculum Designer, Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
- 2017 – 2020 – Content Developer and Instructor in the Teaching English as a Second Language Certificate, University of Manitoba
- 2019 – 2021 – Research Assistant for SSHRC-funded LINCDIRE Project, OISE at The University of Toronto
- 2017 – 2019 – Graduate Assistant, Centre for Educational Research on Languages and Literacies, OISE at The University of Toronto
- 2016 – 2018 – Instructional Designer, Sheridan College
- Prior to 2018 – Professor, Faculty of Humanities, and Social Sciences, Sheridan College
Other Activities
- Academic Integrity Council of Ontario member
- Academic Integrity Task Force member
- College Council member
- European Network on Academic Integrity member
- International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language member
- Learning Management System (LMS) Standards and Policies member
- Outcomes-Based Learning (OBL) facilitator
- Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education member
- School of ESL Curriculum Committee member
- Teaching and Learning Exchange Associate
- Universal Design for Learning (UDL) facilitator
- Mental Health First Aid Certificate
- Anna M. Bartosik, 2023 Educator of the Year Award recipient George Brown College Annual Employee Achievement Awards. EvolvED Conference: GBC’s Annual Teaching and Learning Conference, Toronto, ON, Canada.
- Educational Developer Grant Recipient, 2023. Examining learner autonomy through publicly-available syllabi. Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE).
- Bartosik, A. (forthcoming). Learning in Digital Spaces: Technology’s Impact on Teacher Learning and Practice. In L. Hays, J. Miller-Young, B. McCollum (Eds.), Educational Technology and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Asking Questions about our Practices. Athabasca University Press (OER).
- Bartosik, A. (2023, summer). Faculty Insight: Reflecting on My Research: Inspiration and Results. The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning at the School of ESL. https://sotlesl.files.wordpress.com/2023/08/sotl-esl-2023-summer-issue-3.pdf
- Bartosik, A. (June 27, 2022). Learning in the open: A netnography of Twitter chats for English language teachers. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4145743 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4145743
- Bartosik, A. (2022). Learning to stay ahead of the Curve: A netnographic analysis of professional development in English language teacher chats on Twitter [Doctoral Dissertation, University of Toronto]. Proquest Dissertations Publishing. https://Tspace.Library.Utoronto.Ca/Handle/1807/123569
- Carozza, N. (2022, fall). Spotlight – Anna Bartosik: An interview with Anna Bartosik. TESL Ontario Contact Magazine. http://contact.teslontario.org/spotlight-anna-bartosik/
- Townend, N., Bartosik, A., Folinazzo, G., & Kelly, J. (2022). Teachers implementing action-oriented scenarios: Realities of the twenty-first century classroom. In Activating Linguistic and Cultural Diversity in the Language Classroom (pp. 179-233). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
- Bartosik, A. (2022, winter). Idea: Inclusivity, Diversity, Equity & Accessibility - The Results Of Learning in Silence: What I Have Learned From my PhD. BC TEAL News Magazine. https://www.bcteal.org/docs/TEAL-News-Winter-2022-FINAL.pdf
- Khatri, R. (Co-chair). (2021, fall). Interview with Anna Bartosik. The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning at the School of ESL. https://sotlesl.files.wordpress.com/2022/04/sotl-esl-2021-fall-news.pdf
- Ortega, Y. (Producer). (2019, March 12). Exploring Digital Networks (No. 6) [Audio Podcast Episode]. In Chasing Encounters. https://www.podcastrepublic.net/podcast/1455133212
- Bartosik, A. M. (2017). International students' perceptions of factors affecting academic success in post-secondary studies. [Master’s thesis, University of Toronto]. Proquest Dissertations Publishing. https://www.proquest.com/openview/4ba7cdae3f881e1d98e0ba5e0c7a76f2/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=18750
- Bartosik, A. (2017). Home language support helps learners navigate both worlds. [e-magazine].
- Education Week Teacher. Sacramento, CA
- Ferlazzo, L. (Host). (2016). Educators’ favourite tech tools [radio interview.] BAM Radio Network, Sacramento, CA.
- Ferlazzo, L. (Host). (2015). Building relationships with families of ELLs. [radio interview.] BAM Radio Network, Sacramento, CA.
- Bartosik, A. (2015, November 15). Pulling Together in the Same Direction. Alchemy, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences [Newsletter]. Sheridan College, ON http://alchemy.sheridancollege.ca/tag/esl/