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Does George Brown College offer graduate study programs?
Postgraduate Certificates The Graduate Certificates (postgraduate programs) offer students the opportunity to further their college or university education and provide them with specialized knowledge in their chosen field of interest. Please see graduate certificate programs for a complete listing...
Does the college have the right to access my locker without my permission?
The college reserves the right to access lockers at its sole discretion if there is a suspected security risk or there is an environmental concern such as pest control or odours. Security has the right to enter a locker at any time should they suspect it contains items that put the college...
Do I have to pay to use the Tutoring & Learning Centre (TLC)?
No, tutoring at the Tutoring & Learning Centre (TLC) is provided at no extra cost to all students currently enrolled at George Brown College.
Can I share a locker with a friend?
Student Locker Services does not permit the sharing of lockers. Only one student can be registered to a locker.
Do you have an alumni association?
George Brown Alumni Association Visit our Alumni & Friends webpage to get information on how to join and how to reconnect with your former classmates.
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