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How do I get in touch with the Finance or Financial Aid department?
Finance The Finance department deals with Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Financial Services, Financial Planning, Purchasing, Payroll, and Bookstores. Financial Assistance / Financial Aid Financial Assistance deals with OSAP, student loans and grants, bursaries, awards, scholarships, and the...
What is the Post-Graduation Work Permit?
The post-graduation work permit (PGWP) is a work permit that graduates may be eligible to apply for upon completion of their program. The permit is valid from 8 months to up to a maximum of three (3) years, depending on the length of the academic programThe permit allows students to work anywhere...
What is the difference between the Admission Test and the Placement Test?
Admission tests are used to determine if you meet the requirements to be accepted to the College. Placement Assessments in English and/or Math are taken after you have accepted an offer of admission. Placement assessments determine whether you are ready to take the college-level credit courses in...
I am experiencing unforeseen financial difficulties. How can I get immediate financial assistance?
Limited emergency funds may be available if you are facing unforeseen financial difficulties as a result of injury, theft, or illness. Please contact the Awards Office for more information. The bursaries are non-repayable but are subject to tax depending on amount.
I would like to withdraw but I have already passed the deadline to withdraw without academic penalty. What can I do?
Since you have passed the deadline to withdraw, any grade that has been earned at this point will be reflected on the transcript.
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