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I received my T2202 form but the address on it is incorrect. Do I need a new one?
You may submit the T2202 as received even if the address is incorrect. Note that it is not necessary for students to submit the T2202 form with the tax return, but they must produce it if requested by Revenue Canada.
On which campus do continuing education students study?
Continuing Education For Continuing Education courses, the campus where the course takes place is listed on the page when you register. When you register online, please check the 'building' where your course will be held. The room location will be posted on the Continuing Education information board...
Can I book an appointment to meet with a counsellor virtually?
Yes, we offer both in person and virtual (video) counselling appointments. To book a counselling appointment, please sign in to the counselling student portal using your GBC username and password. You may select a virtual counselling appointment. You may also contact our Welcome Desk at letstalk...
I am having trouble paying with my credit card, what do I do?
Paying Fees If you are having trouble with your online payment, please see your STU-VIEW account for other payment options. Check that you are accessing STU-VIEW with Google Chrome as the compatible browser. You may also pay using PC/Internet online banking using your student ID as your account...
What counselling support services are available to students who are located outside of Ontario?
Due to professional restrictions, GBC Counselling Services can only offer mental health counselling to students who are located in the province of Ontario at the time of their appointment. However, there are other free, professional mental health counselling resources offered to students outside of...
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