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I need a proof of enrolment letter to extend my study permit/visa. How can I make the request?
International Student Services is currently working remotely to maintain student services for international students. Students can request their enrolment letter online at applynow.georgebrown.ca/International/letterrequest. It is also recommended that all international students submit a copy of...
How is the GPA calculated?
The GPA is calculated by dividing the quality points by the GPA hours: Each letter grade has a grade point value.This is multiplied by the credits to obtain the quality points.The credits are added up to obtain the GPA hours. For Grade Point Values, see Grading Scheme To calculate the term or...
Can I defer my offer of admission?
Domestic Applicants Deferring Offer of Admission Offers of Admission are valid only for the specified intake as indicated in their offer letter. If an applicant cannot accept the offer for that intake they should reapply for the next available intake. It should be noted that an Offer of Admission...
What should I do if I can’t log into STU-VIEW?
If you have not yet received a Letter of Acceptance (LoA), you will not be able to access STU-VIEW. If you have received your LoA and cannot access STU-VIEW please visit the Resetting your Password webpage for additional assistance with logging in.
Where can I park around campus?
Public parking lots are available in close proximity to the College. Parking at Casa Loma Campus There are three parking lots available at Casa Loma: Lot A (475 MacPherson Ave.)Lot B (9 Bridgeman Ave.)Lot C (35 Bridgeman Ave.) These lots are available for daily, occasional, and monthly use. Daily...
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