A copy of your receipt will be sent to your George Brown student email (firstname.lastname@georgebrown.ca) 24 hours after payment has been received. Please check your junk/spam folder if you do not see the email in your inbox.
Domestic and Returning International Students:
You can request a copy of your receipt from STU-VIEW by following the steps below:
- Log into STU-VIEW and select the menu bar on the left.
- In the search field, type Financial Services to access the Financial Services card.
- Select the Financial Services link.
- Select the Academic term/s that you require a copy of your receipt for and click on Request Receipt.
- A copy of the receipt will be sent to your GBC email and the personal email on file.
You can check your STU-VIEW to view your account summary and see if the college received the payment.
Follow the steps below to view your account summary:
- Log into STU-VIEW and select the menu bar on the left.
- In the search field, type Pay Fees to access the Payment Centre (Pay Fees) card.
- Select the Pay Fees link.
- Select the Statements tab to access your account summary for each term.
- Download the Excel or PDF for each term to view your account detail
For more information contact the Accounts Receivable office at accountsreceivable@georgebrown.ca.
New International Students:
A copy of your payment receipt will be provided by the International Centre Admissions Office once the college receives your payment.
If you did not receive a copy of your payment receipt, please contact the International Admissions office at intladmissions@georgebrown.ca.