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How do I apply as a mature student?

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Domestic Applicants: Mature Students

To apply as a mature student, you must be 19 years of age or older and check the box that indicates that you will not be receiving an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) on the application. This indicates that you do not have the academic requirements for the program of choice, and for most diploma or certificate programs you will be given the opportunity to take an Admissions Test (assessment) in order to meet the requirements for your program. Please note that Bachelor's degree programs and Graduate Certificates do not allow for an admission test. Applicants must have the credits required.

You can find out more about applying to George Brown College as a mature student by booking a mature student information session held on campus throughout the school year.

You may also want to look into our Academic Upgrading program offered at George Brown College which can assist with meeting the requirements for entry into to a full-time certificate or diploma programs.

For Bachelor's Degree & Postgraduate programs, please see specific program requirements -

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