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Do I have to pay my fees before I can register?

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Yes, you are required to make a minimum payment before you can register.

Your Fee Payment Options Are:



  • Pay your entire fee by the deadline on the invoice you received by email.
  • All students will be required to pay an initial deposit once per academic year of $500. This is a non-refundable deposit that will be applied towards student's tuition and fees for the first semester of study in the academic year.



  • Pay your entire fee by the deadline on the Letter of Acceptance (New students) or invoice (Returning students) you received by email.
  • New students will still be required to pay the first semester fees upon accepting their offer.
  • Returning students will be required to pay an initial minimum deposit once per academic year of $4,000. This deposit will be applied towards the student's tuition and fees for their first semester of study in the academic year.

Please note that the deposit due date found on your invoice is earlier than the registration dates posted on STU-VIEW .

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