Full-Time Students:
You can change your timetable within the add/drop courses deadline. See the Important Dates to view the deadlines for each term.
To add or drop a course:
1. Log into STU-VIEW
2. Select the Course Registration& Timetable card ((If you don’t see this card, you can click on the Discover More icon at the bottom of the screen and select the card form the list).
3. Select Register for Your Courses link and follow the on-screen instructions.
4. To add courses: Select the course from Your Course Registration List and then click on the Add button next to your preferred section.
5. To drop courses: Scroll down to the Summary section, navigate to the course you want to drop and under Action, select the available drop option from the course's drop-down menu.
6. Click on the Submit button at the bottom right-hand corner of your screen to confirm your changes.
Please be mindful of how adding or dropping a course may impact your registration status, tuition or grades.
You may also contact your Academic Department for assistance with changing your timetable.
Continuing Education Students:
If you are a continuing education student and wish to drop a course, please fill out this form. You can add courses online at Continuing Education.