2023 Employee Achievement Awards – President's Awards Categories

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We'll be celebrating the President's Awards and all the contributions of our employees on August 29 at a special dinner at the Fairmont Royal York hotel.

Check out the nine awards categories below for more information. Nominations are now closed. 

Please note: Employees with two or more years of service (or six semesters of part-time teaching) are eligible for nomination, and must not have received the same award within the last two years. 

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President's Awards Categories

Change Maker

Eligibility: All employees

Awards: 1 (Individual or Team)

Award Received: Plaque and letter of recognition

The award recognizes an employee who, through a deep level of commitment, courage, and action, has driven a significant and meaningful change in the lives of others (students and/or employees). 

Download the Change Maker nomination form

Distinguished Faculty

Eligibility: Faculty 

Awards: 6 (Individual)

Award Received: Plaque and letter of recognition

This award honours faculty members who have demonstrated leadership in developing an inclusive, transformative learning experience for students, both in and outside the classroom. 

Download the Distinguished Faculty nomination form

Distinguished Researcher

Eligibility: All employees with 5 years or more experience engaging with research

Awards: 2 (Individual)

Award Received: Plaque, letter of recognition, and research seed funding for a small project up to $2000

This award recognizes employees whose distinguished scholarship, research or creative activity demonstrates outstanding research achievements. 

Download the Distinguished Researcher nomination form

Emerging Researcher

Eligibility: All employees with less than 5 years experience engaging in research

Awards: 2 (Individual)

Award Received: Plaque, letter of recognition, and research seed funding for a small project up to $2000.

This award recognizes research excellence, including notable contributions to a research or creative activity and strong performance appropriate for the nominee's career stage, in attracting research funding. 

Download the Emerging Researcher nomination form

Exemplary Service

Eligibility: Support staff 

Awards: 2 (1 Full-time, 1 Part-time)

Award Received: Plaque and letter of recognition

The Exemplary Service Award recognizes support staff who consistently demonstrate excellence in service to the college and our students and are aligned with the GBC's LEAD (Learner focused, Excellence, Accountability, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion) Values. 

Download the Exemplary Service nomination form


Eligibility: All employees 

Awards: 3 (1 Administration, 1 Faculty, 1 Support Staff)

Award Received: Plaque, letter of recognition and up to $2000 towards attending a conference of their choice, as approved by their manager. 

This award recognizes individuals who have demonstrated exceptional leadership behaviours that have led to significant contributions directly or through the leadership of others. 

Download the Leadership nomination form

The Pauline Shirt Indigenous Leadership & Inclusion Award

Eligibility: All employees 

Awards: 2 (Individual or Team)

Award Received: Plaque and letter of recognition

This award is awarded to an individual team demonstrating strong leadership and involvement with Indigenous communities. 

Download The Pauline Shirt Indigenous Leadership & Inclusion Award form