George Brown's Dario Guescini has taken home the Silver CICan (Colleges and Institutes Canada) Leadership Excellence Award for Managerial Staff. This award recognizes a team or individual who has made exceptional leadership contributions within their institution and community.
“It’s been an honour to be recognized as one of the recipients of CICan’s Awards,” says Guescini, Director of Work-Integrated Learning, Experiential Education and Global Mobility. “This award recognizes the tireless efforts and outstanding work of the entire WIL and experiential learning community at George Brown. Together, we support students to be better prepared for their transition to the labour market.”
Guescini, a dynamic leader and champion of Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) at George Brown, has over twenty years of professional experience working in higher education — and with multinational organizations. He also serves as President-Elect of Experiential & Work-Integrated Learning Ontario, as Director-at-Large for Colleges for the Co-operative Education & Work-Integrated Learning Canada Board, and as Executive Lead for Business/Higher Education Roundtable’s (BHER) National WIL Strategy.