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A student scholarship made a big difference for Construction Engineering Technology grad Vincent Nguyen and contributed to his success. Now, he's a project co-ordinator who one day hopes to become a project manager.

Throughout his career, Mark demonstrated an unwavering commitment to the trade union movement and the rights of working people.

As the demand for sustainable solutions increases, George Brown College’s approach to applied learning and close ties to industry partners address the need for hiring professionals with specialized skill sets.

Students from the Centre for Hospitality and Culinary Arts (CHCA) won gold in three categories and a silver. And a student from the Centre for Construction and Engineering Technologies took bronze.

The award will be granted to two full-time students of Ukrainian descent who are new to Canada and enrolled in the School of Mechanical Engineering Technologies’ T182 program, Electromechanical Engineering Technology – Power and Control, going into the 2023–2024 school year.

Minister Monte McNaughton was on hand as Skilled Trades Ontario CEO Melissa Young announced an exciting new initiative on March 29.

In the town of Deep River, Ontario, sits an unassuming log cabin located on the grounds of a yacht and tennis club. The town surrounding the cabin along the Ottawa River is known for housing scientists who conducted top-secret nuclear research at Chalk River Laboratories during the Second World War...

When they were students at George Brown College (GBC), Latifa and Nick Smudja stuck together for group projects and assignments. Now, as husband and wife, they're using the skills they learned in their program on their biggest group assignment yet — a massive solar farm construction project on the...

Are you considering applying to George Brown College (GBC) to prepare for a career in the skilled trades? Thanks to a generous donation from the Schulich Foundation, new student scholarships are available that cover the costs of tuition, tools and living expenses. Students enrolling in 13 programs...

A team of 3 George Brown College students made it to the finals of the annual Metropolitan Design Competition. Their work will be showcased at IDS (Interior Design Show) in Toronto in January 2023.



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