Degree Programs

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Our degree programs get you workplace ready

Choosing one of our career-focused Honours Bachelor degree programs means you’ll graduate with the right combination of technical and people skills and industry experience to help you get the job.

You’ll benefit from smaller class sizes, professors with years of professional experience and work-integrated learning opportunities that will allow you to learn while networking with potential employers.

Explore our degree programs

Bridging & Transfer Options

We offer different pathways to enter our degree programs. For George Brown students who'd like to upgrade their diplomas or students who've completed credits at other schools, there are bridging opportunities available. We can also help students who'd like to continue studying at another college or university after completing their degree at George Brown.

Missing some degree entry requirements?

For applicants missing some University Level (U-Level) credits, we offer bridging programs to gain the required courses to enter a George Brown degree program.

Discover our Degree Programs