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How do I contact Accessible Learning Services?

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Services for Students with Disabilities

Campus facilities (including academic buildings and the library) are equipped with ramps, elevators, automatic doors and special entrances.

Additionally, the Accessible Learning Services Office is available to assist students with physical, learning and other disabilities. Visit the Accessible Learning Services website for more information.

In all cases, you must complete an intake form and provide the necessary documents before making an appointment to see a Disability Consultant.

Visit the Deaf and Hard of Hearing website for information on services such as interpreting and notetaking.


We provide assistance and consultation for a wide array of educational accommodations, including:

tutors, sign language interpreters, peer notetakers, computerized notetakers, reduced course loads, access to adaptive technology/learning strategies, loaning of recording devices, Large-print, taped or Braille materials, financial assistance (bursary), accommodation for pre-admission and placement testing

To contact us:

Phone: 416-415-5000 ext. 2622


In Person: 200 King Street East, Room 582C

Visit our webpage for Accessible Learning Services for more information.

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